Feel like giving back? Join fellow Sangha members in sending notes of gratitude to local critical care nurses! These front-line workers not only care for patients with COVID-19, but for anyone who requires intensive care. All day, everyday, that’s what they do, and the pandemic has taken a toll on them and their loved ones, especially during the Omicron surge.

To join in on writing thank-you notes to critical care nurses at Strong Memorial Hospital, here are some instructions and suggestions provided by Center member Dick Rosin, who is coordinating this effort:

  • First, I would like to invite our Zen children to participate. They can write notes and create thank-you cards with drawings and paintings as only children can do.
  • Handwritten, rather than typed notes and letters, are more personal and heartfelt. There’s also no need to sign them; anonymous expressions of gratitude have a power of their own.
  • It’s fine to keep the notes brief. I plan to limit my notes to 1-2 sentences, written on miscellaneous little cards and bits of small stationery (each in their own envelope). 
  • It would be ideal if each person could write 10 or more cards, but any number will be appreciated. The Director of Critical Care Nursing at Strong will distribute them to the nurses.
  • When your notes are ready, place them in one envelope and push them through the mail slot at the Zen Center (located to the left of the main entrance door at 7 Arnold Park). But if you’re unable to drop them off, please reach out to me; I would be happy to come pick them up from your home and make sure they are delivered to the hospital.
  • If you haven any questions or need assistance, email me ([email protected]).
  • And, lastly, don’t let the Sunday, February 13 initial deadline keep you from writing — keep those cards and letters coming!