What leads white people to perpetuate extreme, white nationalist violence?

This is the question acclaimed filmmaker, director, and activist Deeyah Khan investigates in her Emmy-winning, BAFTA-nominated documentary White Right: Meeting the Enemy (2017).  Deeyah Khan sits face-to-face with fascists, racists and the proponents of the ‘alt-right’ ideologies […] As she tries to get beyond the scare stories to the real stories, behind the headlines to the human beings, Deeyah Khan finds her own prejudices challenged and her own tolerance tested.

This free virtual screening and discussion event is open to the public and is organized by Uprooting Racism, the antiracism community group at the Rochester Zen Center in Rochester, NY.

How this 2-part event works:

  • Registered participants will receive free streaming access to White Right by email during the 1-week period leading up to the discussion event on Wednesday, June 22, 2022.
  • From 7:00-8:30pm EDT on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, we will gather on Zoom to discuss the film with other participants. Registered participants will receive the Zoom meeting information in their email inboxes, including reminder emails leading up to the event.

Please join us for this important and timely event. You do not have to be a member of the Rochester Zen Center, or even a Buddhist practitioner, to attend. All are welcome.

Learn more and register for a free “ticket” here. Questions? Please email [email protected].