Finding Your Seat: Saturday, November 12

Offered from 11:00 am to noon on most Saturdays, FYS sessions are led by a senior student, who will address any questions you might have about Zen practice, offer advice and encouragement, and lead a short round of sitting. FYS discussions center on the needs of the participants, so don’t hesitate to ask questions or tell us what aspects of practice you could use some guidance on.

Teisho and Extended Sitting: Sunday, November 13

Sitting every day is the foundation of a living Zen practice, and beyond that, extended sitting can help us dive into our practice more deeply.

Besides the usual 8:30-10:30 block of sitting that will include Sensei John Pulleyn’s teisho, there are three other blocks scheduled, with Private Instruction offered during block 3.

You may participate in the extended sitting in-person or online. For those who can only join in for one or two blocks, we ask that you commit to staying for all of the rounds in a given block. See the Extended Sitting schedule here.

From Sensei to Roshi

For some time now, members of the Auckland Zen Centre have been asking Sensei Amala Wrightson to take up the title “Roshi,” which in our lineage is typically used to refer to a senior teacher. Having served as a teacher for some 20 years now, and with Bodhin-roshi’s whole-hearted support, Amala now goes by Amala-roshi.

Black American Cuisine: Not Separate

As Thanksgiving approaches, join Uprooting Racism for a special free discussion of the acclaimed Netflix docuseries High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Shaped America on Wednesday, November 16, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST on Zoom. This 4-part series is based on a book of the same name by renowned historian and cookbook author Dr. Jessica B. Harris.

The discussion will especially focus on the third episode of the series, titled “Our Founding Chefs.” All are welcome, RZC members and non-members alike.

Please click here to register for a free “ticket,” receive the Zoom meeting information in your email inbox, and watch the series trailer. Contact [email protected]  with any questions.