Seeking Trustee Self-Nominations – A New Process for 2023

Once again, as we have done for over 50 years, the Center is searching for volunteer leaders to join our board of trustees. However, this time around, factoring in emerging needs, we’re introducing a new nominations process that we hope will increase transparency, Sangha engagement, and board effectiveness.

In the past, Center members were invited to nominate fellow members to run for election to the board, but now we’re asking interested members to nominate themselves. Do you have leadership experience in some area of organizational functioning, such as human resources, operations, legal matters, financial planning, technology, marketing, fundraising, et cetera? If so, you may be able to pick up the baton from one of several long-time, experienced board members whose terms will soon end.

Elected by the Center’s members (3 trustees), the board (2 trustees), or the Spiritual Co-Directors (1 trustee) to serve three-year terms, trustees are actively involved in organizational governance; attend biannual, weekend-long board meetings in Rochester (typically spring and fall, with travel expenses reimbursed); serve on at least one board committee; and participate in informal discussions and decisions that may occur in between meetings.

If you have the background, energy, and interest to be part of the team leading the Rochester Zen Center through ongoing challenges and change, we hope you’ll submit a self-nomination for review by the Nominations Committee: Judy Carpenter, Kathy Collina, Rebecca Gilbert, Barry Keesan, Sensei Donna Kowal, and Sensei John Pulleyn.

The Nominations Committee is accepting self-nomination applications now through April 23. Those interested in board service can email [email protected]. For questions or more information, contact Barry Keesan.

The Winter 2023 Issue of Zen Bow Is Available here. 

Zazen and Dharma Talk by Ven. Trueman Taylor, March 19

Sunday will begin with an extended round with a bell at the half-way point for a posture change, then kinhin, a short chanting service, and Trueman’s Dharma talk with a question-and-answer period. You’re invited to join us in-person at Arnold Park, on Zoom, or via our audio livestream.

Now Broadcasting Tuesday Beginners’ Night on Zoom

Starting March 21 at 7 p.m., Tuesday Beginners’ Night will be broadcast on Zoom. Our Tuesday-evening program has three rounds of sitting that are 25 minutes each, shorter than our other sittings, and feature an encouragement talk during the third round plus a chanting service. Click here to print the text of the chanting service. If Zoomers need to leave during the sitting, that’s okay. Just select “Leave Meeting.” (For the meeting ID and password, contact Jissai Prince-Cherry)

Calling All Bodhisattvas

The Kannon Committee was established a long time ago to provide non-medical support for Sangha members going through tough times: e.g., hospital or home visits, walking dogs, providing meals, running errands, or completing household tasks. But these days it’s become a one-man show run by Danan Redding. We are looking to revitalize and transform the Kannon Committee. Are you interested in helping? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact Danan or Lila Redding.

Other Upcoming Activities

Saturday, March 18:

Sunday, March 19:

Monday, March 20, 8:15 p.m. Parent Practice Group

Wednesday, March 22, 6:30 p.m., Youth Night in the Zendo