August 10, 2024, 9:30am – 4:00pm

Donna-sensei leading a workshopWhether you’re interested in learning about a meditation practice or deepening the one you already have, this Rochester Zen Center workshop will provide a practical introduction to Zen meditation. Led by Sensei Dhara Kowal, the workshop will take place in a serene country setting, the Chapin Mill Retreat Center near Batavia, New York.

Because getting started in Zen practice isn’t as simple as attending a new church on Sunday, the workshop is aimed at providing a useful introduction to Zen Buddhism, demystifying the religion and providing hands-on instruction on how to practice Zen meditation. It’s a unique opportunity to learn first-hand from seasoned practitioners at one of the country’s largest and oldest Zen centers.

  • How is Zen different from other forms of Buddhism?
  • Can I practice Zen and still keep my own religion?
  • Do I have to sit cross-legged in order to meditate?

These and other questions are answered in the workshop, which is a combination of talks, demonstrations, and guided meditations. A vegetarian lunch is included and you are invited to stay overnight if you wish to make it a weekend getaway. To register, fill out the registration form below. Payment may be made through PayPal.

Register for In-person Workshop

Map to Chapin Mill Retreat Center

Detailed Description of Our Workshops, including schedules