Roshi’s Latest Podcast Episode

Click here to listen to Roshi’s latest talk entitled “Gaza: Revenge and the Law of Karma.”

No Formal Sitting Tomorrow at Arnold Park

Although there will be no formal sitting on Sunday morning, the rest of the in-person sitting schedule at Arnold Park will be as usual this coming week, and you can also join in via audio-livestream (Mixlr). As always, you’re also welcome to sit in the zendo on your own outside the formal sitting schedule.

Joining the 7-day Sesshin on Zoom (January 6 – 13)

Although the regular schedule of Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin, even if you’re not signed up for it, you’re welcome to join any block of sesshin (though without dokusan) in our usual Zoom room. The modified Rohatsu sesshin schedule is posted here.

Great News!

After holding several healing chanting services for Barry Keesan over the course of the past month, some have asked for an update on how his recovery is going. For those who don’t know him, Barry is a longtime Sangha member who serves as Treasurer for the Center’s Board of Trustees and Officers. This past November he had a massive stroke that paralyzed the left side of his body and required him to be on a ventilator for a couple of weeks.

We’re delighted to report that Barry is now breathing on his own and staying at a local rehabilitation home, where he does physical, occupational, and speech therapy daily. In the words of his sons, Matt and Josh, “We credit a lifetime of healthy habits, spiritual practice, and all-around strength for getting him this far. And, of course, the support of this community.”

Zen of Living and Dying, Sunday, January 14, 11:30 am

Every two weeks, a group of Sangha members meets for an hour to provide support for each other while dealing with issues of life, death, and illness. Participants affectionately refer to the group as ZLD. If you’re interested in attending ZLD meetings, contact Eryl Kubicka ([email protected]).

Zen Center Talks Now on YouTube

In addition to the audio archive page on our website plus various podcasting services, the Zen Center’s teishos, Dharma talks, and Coming-to-the-Path talks can now be found on our Youtube channel at (