Spring 2024 Calendar

Download or print the calendar for April, May, and June 2024 here. Or pick up a copy in the Link at Arnold Park.

Saturday Dokusan with John-sensei, March 2

Dokusan is occasionally offered on Saturday mornings to accommodate members who can’t attend regular sittings with dokusan during the week. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 10 am. An announcement will be made before dokusan begins.

Extended Sitting and Coming-to-the-Path Talk, Sunday, March 3

Running a little behind on your Term Intensive zazen commitment? Catch up by attending this Extended Sitting! You’re welcome to come to any of the four blocks of sitting that happen between 6:15 am and 3 pm. During block 2 (8:30-10:30), Sangha member Christopher Maley will give a Coming-to-the-Path talk. Private Instruction will be offered during block 3. Here is more information and a full schedule.

You can join us onsite in the Arnold Park zendo, on Zoom, or via our audio livestream.

Dr. Roxy Manning: Free Microaggressions Workshop with Q&A, March 6, 1 – 2 pm EST

This online event comes highly recommended by members of our Uprooting Racism and our Nonviolent Communication Sangha groups who have attended Dr. Roxy Manning workshops in the past. 

Grow your understanding of and capacity to address microaggressions. Bring your questions and scenarios for in-depth discussions on empathetic responses and effective, responsive actions. NOTE: To reach a wider audience, this session will be live streamed using “speaker only” view via Facebook Live.

Dr. Roxy Manning is a clinical psychologist and certified trainer and assessor for the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She regularly leads workshops centered on nonviolent communication and social change in the United States and internationally. Since 2004 she has operated a private consulting business, supporting organizations and corporations to address power differences and foster inclusion. As a psychologist, she works primarily with the homeless population of San Francisco.

March 11 Deadline for Trustee Self-Nominations

If you have the background, energy, and interest to be part of the team leading the Center through ongoing challenges and change, we hope you’ll submit a trustee self-nomination. Trustees are actively involved in organizational governance; attend bi-annual, weekend-long board meetings in Rochester (typically spring and fall, with travel expenses reimbursed); serve on at least one board committee; and participate in informal discussions and decisions that may occur in between meetings.

Those interested in Board service should complete the self-nomination form and email it by March 11. For questions or more information, contact trustee Darin Harris.

Looking Ahead: Sangha Skills Workshop: Healthy Relationships, Boundaries, and Consent, Friday, March 29

Everyone in our Sangha is invited to this special training led by Devone Scala (she/her) from Willow Domestic Violence Center. The training will take place on Friday, March 29, 2024 in the Arnold Park Dining Room from 1:30-3:00 pm. Chair seating will be available for those who need it. If there is enough interest in attending remotely, we will provide a Zoom option.

This training will unpack healthy, unhealthy, and dangerous relationships, what boundaries are and why they matter, and the concept of “enthusiastic consent.” These topics are applicable to all interpersonal relationships, not only romantic ones.

While this event is free to attend, monetary donations in support of Willow’s 100% free services for survivors of domestic violence will be invited. No-one will be turned away for lack of donation funds.

Please RSVP by emailing Lila Redding.

Trustees’ Meeting Minutes and Financial Statements Available

The minutes of the November 11, 2023 Trustees’ meeting, including the third quarter financial report, are up on the Center’s website, and you can see them here.