“Luncheon of the Boating Party”

With the summer marching on, why not take a few hours to savor it in the pastoral setting of Chapin Mill with like-minded others?

Come to the former Chapin estate this Saturday to lounge around with humans and dogs relaxing under the spreading branches of sycamores near the lovely Chapin Pond. The only price of admission: a vegetarian dish to share with about 7 others. And if you don’t have time to prepare it yourself, have Danny Wegman do the work. Games for adults as well as kids … swimming … it’s all good.

The earth will have to circle all the way around the sun again before our next such gathering. Carpe diem!

Merit, Anyone?

Help is sorely needed to clean up the serving area after Saturday’s picnic. Our small residential staff will be handling all the transportation and set-up of food and games, but some extra hands afterward will go a long way. Come gather some merit!

Staff Break

Tuesday evening, August 20, is our last formal sitting before the Center’s annual two-week, end-of-summer break. Some of our residents will be here “minding the store,” and members are welcome to stop by to sit in the zendo or use the library. We resume on Wednesday, September 4, with early-morning zazen and dokusan. The two-day September sesshin, led by Eryl Kubicka, begins three days later, on Friday evening.

Seeking Employment

Sangha member April McCloud is looking for a part-time work-from-home job and would appreciate any leads. Due to being on disability, she has income limitations (can’t make more than $700/month), but really needs to supplement her income. While going to an office on occasion is possible, with her current health restrictions work from home is preferred. April is a trained teacher and librarian, and has experience as a travel agent and personal/executive assistant. Her email is [email protected] .