The primary goal of Zen Bow is to inspire Zen practice, on and off the mat. You may submit an article of any length, on any topic, as long as it meets this criterion.

In addition to personal reflections about Zen practice, you may want to send us a brief book or movie review, a link to an article, news about your local center or sitting group, a quotation you ran across, and/or any other type of content that you have found relevant to practice.

For book and movie reviews, please follow this format:

  • The book/movie: [add title]
  • What it’s about: [brief description]
  • Why it’s worthy: [how it relates to Zen practice]

Zen Bow is published quarterly on:

  • March 15
  • June 15
  • September 15
  • December 15

But not to worry! Whenever you submit something, we will always consider it for subsequent issues.

Currently we have no themes established for upcoming editions of Zen Bow. This may change in the future, but for now you may submit content on any topic.

Finally, you will greatly facilitate the process of production if you follow two simple “text grooming” rules: 1) add only one space between sentences, not two, and 2) add only one return after a paragraph, not two.

Questions, ideas, tips, complaints? Email [email protected]. Thanks.