In person sesshins have resumed at Chapin Mill. However, we are continuing to offer the opportunity to participate in sesshin via Zoom, with a live feed from the Chapin Mill zendo.  Here is the daily sesshin schedule.


Just apply in the usual way, indicating that you wish to attend on Zoom. If you plan to attend part time, note which blocks you’re signing up for. 


Once you’ve registered for one or more of the four main blocks, you’ll be expected to be present from beginning to end. This will give some fiber to our online efforts. If you know before sesshin that you’ll have to miss a bit of the schedule, due to an appointment, for example, indicate that in your sesshin application. And if after sesshin has begun you find that due to unforeseen circumstances you have to miss one or more rounds of a block for which you signed up, please notify the designated monitor as soon as possible.


We ask that those who wish to be eligible for dokusan attend at least two of the four blocks of sitting.


For online sesshin, our rate is $7/block for both members and non-members. Participants can register for all or any of the 4 main blocks of sitting:

Block 1: 4:45am – 7:00am

Block 2: 9:30am – 12:30pm

Block 3: 2:00pm – 5:35pm

Block 4: 7:00pm – 9:30pm

For help covering costs, consider requesting Training Fund assistance.