Thank you for your willingness to apply for the position of Rochester Zen Center Treasurer, one of the Center’s five corporate officers along with the Co-Presidents, Vice President, and Secretary. These officers, including the Treasurer, are elected annually by the Center’s Board of Trustees. The duties and qualifications for the position of Treasurer are set forth as an appendix at the end of this application form. Please read it before proceeding.

Although the Center’s current Treasurer, Barry Keesan, is stepping down in order to devote himself to recovering from a serious stroke, he will be available to serve as a consultant (in person or remotely) to help ensure a degree of continuity when the new Treasurer is chosen.

Duties and Qualifications of the Rochester Zen Center’s Treasurer

(E.g., she/her, he/him, they/them)

Experience and Qualifications

(E.g., full time, part time, seeking employment, retired)

Zen Center Engagement

Governance Expectations

Board of Trustees In-Person Attendance(Required)
Two meetings of the Center’s Board of Trustees are held each year in Rochester, typically in May and October (with travel reimbursement provided). Each is about two days long and is scheduled for a weekend. Is it likely that you will be available to attend these meetings in-person?
Board of Trustees Zoom Attendance
If you are unable to attend a meeting in person, will you likely be able to attend via Zoom?
Finance Committee Attendance(Required)
The Center’s Finance Committee, of which the Treasurer is an ex officio member, usually meets quarterly. Will you likely be able to attend these meetings either in person or via Zoom?

Expectations of RZC's Treasurer

The minimum expectations for the Center’s Treasurer are as follows. Please confirm your willingness and ability to meet each.
  • I will exercise oversight of the Center’s financial affairs and will report any concerns I may have to the Business Manager, the Co-Presidents, or the Trustees, as appropriate.
  • I will serve on the Center’s Finance Committee.
  • I will, with the Business Manager, ensure that quarterly and annual financial reports are prepared and submitted to the Board.
  • I will be available via telephone, email, or Zoom for discussions and consultation with the Center’s Business Manager, Officers, and Trustees.
If elected as Treasurer I agree to the above.(Required)
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