There are two ways to be a part of the Center: become a “Friend” or become a “Member.” Friends and Members:

  • may attend all of our sittings, talks, and events;
  • may go to private instruction or group instruction with a senior student;
  • will receive our emails (on average 5 per month);
  • will receive the print edition of Zen Bow, the Center’s quarterly publication; and
  • have access to our extensive library of Buddhist and Buddhist-related books.

What’s the difference between a Friend and Member?


For those who would like to try the Center out or who prefer to be more informally involved (e.g., you are deeply committed to another religious group), you are welcome to become a Friend.  After four months, we will invite you to become a Member or, if you wish to continue as a Friend, to  contribute a suggested annual donation of $50.

Become a Friend


As a Member, in addition to the above, you have the chance to work individually with Sensei John Pulleyn and Sensei Dhara Kowal to see if one of them is the right teacher for you — and you may regularly attend dokusan  (in person or online) with either.  You will also be given preference for sesshins, receive discounts on retreats, and have access to our Rochester zendo day or night.

Members support the Center by making an annual pledge.

Become a Member