Roshi Amala Wrightson was the Rochester Zen Center’s Head of Zendo (head priest in charge of training) working closely with Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede from 1996 to 2003. In late 2003, upon completion of formal koan training under Roshi Kjolhede, Amala-roshi returned to resettle in New Zealand and, since then, has dedicated her time to the creation of a place for authentic Zen practice and training in Auckland. She was given formal permission to teach by Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede in 2004, and in the same year she and and her husband, Richard von Sturmer, co-founded the Auckland Zen Centre. Amala-roshi was sanctioned as a full Dharma heir in 2012. She continues to spend some time most years at the Rochester Zen Center. The following are among her more recent teisho (Dharma talks).


Hekiganroku #86, Ummon’s “Everybody has their own light”

November 2022 Sesshin, Day 6
Description: What is my light? Why can’t I see it? How do I stop objectifying myself and those around me? Source(s): The Golden Age of Zen by John C.H. Wu, Doubleday 1996. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

The Teachings of Maurine Stuart-roshi 5

November 2022 Sesshin, Day 5
Description: Zen practice is experiential — we each have to find our way to the truth, giving up our egoistic striving. Source(s): Subtle Sound by Roko Sherry Chayat, Shambhala 1996. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

The Teachings of Maurine Stuart-roshi 4

November 2022 Sesshin, Day 4
Description: Pride in our good deeds reinforces our sense of self-importance, and therefore works at cross-purposes to our efforts to free ourselves from the delusion of separation. Source(s): Subtle Sound by Roko Sherry Chayat, Shambhala 1996. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

The Teachings of Maurine Stuart-roshi 3

November 2022 Sesshin, Day 3
Description: A master once said, “The taste of Zen is pain in the knees.” How do we work creatively with pain and weariness in these early days of sesshin? Source(s): Subtle Sound by Roko Sherry Chayat, Shambhala 1996. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

The Teachings of Maurine Stuart-roshi 2

November 2022 Sesshin, Day 2
Description: Practising right where we are. Source(s): Meetings with Remarkable Women by Lenore Friedman, Shambhala 1987; Subtle Sound by Roko Sherry Chayat, Shambhala 1996. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

The Teachings of Maurine Stuart-roshi 1

November 2022 Sesshin, Day 1
Description: Biographical material Source(s): Meetings with Remarkable Women by Lenore Friedman, Shambhala 1987; Subtle Sound by Roko Sherry Chayat, Shambhala 1996. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

Mumonkan #10, Sozan and Poor Seizei

June 2021 Sesshin, Day 5
Working with spiritual poverty. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Transcript

“An Experience of Enlightenment” by Flora Courtois #4

June 2021 Sesshin, Day 4
Arrival, loss and return — the universe changes on its axis, but how to share this amazing experience with others? Searching for a context for 20 years and finally finding one. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

“An Experience of Enlightenment” by Flora Courtois #3

June 2021 Sesshin, Day 3
A turning point — no need to look further than the mind itself. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

“An Experience of Enlightenment” by Flora Courtois #2

June 2021 Sesshin, Day 2
Flora Courtois’ search for Reality, or the ground of being. Text: An Experience of Enlightenment by Flora Courtois. Quest Books, 1986. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

“An Experience of Enlightenment” by Flora Courtois #1

June 2021 Sesshin, Day 1
Introduction to the text by Yasutani-roshi Text: An Experience of Enlightenment by Flora Courtois. Quest Books, 1986. Teisho by Roshi Amala Wrightson.  Automated Transcript

Master Hongzhi’s “Cultivating the Empty Field” #4

July 2020 Sesshin, Day 4
“With total trust, roam and play in samadhi”. Main Text: Cultivating the Empty Field, The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi by Taigen Daniel Leighton with Yi Wu, North Point Press San Francisco, 1991. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Master Hongzhi’s “Cultivating the Empty Field” #3

July 2020 Sesshin, Day 3
“You must be broadminded, whole, without relying on others.” Main Text: Cultivating the Empty Field, The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi by Taigen Daniel Leighton with Yi Wu, North Point Press San Francisco, 1991. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Master Hongzhi’s “Cultivating the Empty Field” #2

July 2020 Sesshin, Day 2
The bright, boundless field — what is it? “Degrading situations” and how to avoid pursuing them. Main Text: Cultivating the Empty Field, The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi by Taigen Daniel Leighton with Yi Wu, North Point Press San Francisco, 1991. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Master Hongzhi’s “Cultivating the Empty Field” #1

July 2020 Sesshin, Day 1
The life of Master Hongzhi Main Text: Cultivating the Empty Field, The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi by Taigen Daniel Leighton with Yi Wu, North Point Press San Francisco, 1991. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Blue Cliff Record #3: “Baso’s Sun-faced Buddha, Moon-faced Buddha”

Recorded in Auckland on March 10 and played in the Rochester zendo on April 5. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

“Ziyong’s Ship of Compassion”

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 7
A commentary on “Ziyong’s Ship of Compassion,” from The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women by Zenshin Florence Caplow, Reigetsu Susan Moon. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

“Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart” #4

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 6
Commentary on Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart, edited by Roko Sherry Chayat Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

“Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart” #3

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 5
Commentary on Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart, edited by Roko Sherry Chayat Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

“Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart” #2

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 4
Commentary on Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart, edited by Roko Sherry Chayat Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

“Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart” #1

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 3
Commentary on Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings of Maurine Stuart, edited by Roko Sherry Chayat Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

On Maurine Stuart, from “Meetings with Remarkable Women” #2

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 2
Commentary on the teachings of Maurine Stuart, from Meetings with Remarkable Women: Buddhist Teachers in America, by Lenore Friedman Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

On Maurine Stuart, from “Meetings with Remarkable Women” #1

October 2019 Sesshin, Day 1
Commentary on the teachings of Maurine Stuart, from Meetings with Remarkable Women: Buddhist Teachers in America, by Lenore Friedman Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Miaozong’s Dharma Encounter

Throughout much of history women’s bodies have been viewed as impure and dangerous by prevailing androcentric cultures, west and east, and unfortunately there still are many examples of this attitude in Buddhism today. In this story from the Song Dynasty, Miaozong, a Dharma heir of Dahui, courageously gives a lively demonstration of the true nature… Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Satsujo Overcomes Hakuin

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 7
”Before the tongue has moved the teaching has finished” — but take care — short of full awakening there is still work to do.  A commentary on “Satsujo Overcomes Hakuin,” from The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women by Zenshin Florence Caplow, Reigetsu Susan Moon. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Chiyono’s No Water No Moon

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 6
Being willing to let things fall apart. A commentary on “Chiyono’s No Water No Moon,” from The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women by Zenshin Florence Caplow, Reigetsu Susan Moon. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism #5

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 5
Commentary on  Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism, by Master Sheng Yen & Others. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism #4

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 4
Commentary on Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism, by Master Sheng Yen & Others/ Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism #3

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 3
Commentary on Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism, by Master Sheng Yen & Others. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism #2

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 2
Commentary on Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism, by Master Sheng Yen & Others. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.

Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism #1

October 2018 Sesshin, Day 1
Commentary on Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism, by Master Sheng Yen & Others. Teisho by Sensei Amala Wrightson.