Below is additional information that is specific to the July 13-20, 2024 (7-day) Sesshin. Here is the daily sesshin schedule.

Whether you’re attending sesshin inperson or online, take time to look over the general guidelines and instructions that apply here for in-person and here for online.


If attending in-person at Chapin Mill

New COVID-19 Protocols

We are announcing changes to the Covid protocol. The CDC recently loosened the isolation period, which we will generally follow with some slight adjustments.

The policy states that you should stay home [in your sesshin room] and away from others until you are fever free without any medications for 24 hours and your symptoms are improving. At that point people would be allowed back in sesshin as long as they continue to wear an N-95 or similar mask. Masking would continue until a negative Covid antigen test.

In addition, for pre-seshin testing, we are no longer requiring that everyone test themselves. If you are truly asymptomatic, then there is no requirement to test. However, if you have ANY symptoms, and that includes mild stuffy nose, or runny nose that you might attribute to allergies, then you should do a Covid test for the sake of others.

Mask Protocol

For the first two days of sesshin, masks will still be worn at the following times:

  • Reciting the Verse of the Rakusu
  • Early morning and afternoon chanting
  • Reciting Master Hakuin’s Chant in Praise of Zazen
  • Reciting The Four Vows
  • Meal chants at breakfast and dinner

At all other times (kinhin, zazen, work, etc.), there’s no need to wear a mask. There will be an announcement on day 3 when masks are no longer required.

Bring your own test kits and masks

The Center has some on hand, but it would be helpful if you brought your own when/if you need them during sesshin.

Having a fever, sore throat, and/or persistent cough are key symptoms of COVID-19. If you develop these or other symptoms during sesshin, mask immediately and test yourself.

If you test negative, you must:

  • Communicate your test results to the monitors; the 1st monitor will not notify zazen neighbors if you test negative.
  • Mask 24/7 (including during zazen) if you are having symptoms, and re-test as needed upon consulting with the monitors.
  • Eat separately. Those with symptoms will be asked to eat their meals in the Piano Room or outdoors, separate from others.

If you test positive, you must:

  • Communicate your test results to the monitors; the 1st monitor will make an announcement to everyone in sesshin.
  • Quarantine in your room “until you are fever free without any medications for 24 hours and your symptoms are improving” (CDC guideline).

Travel plans

If this is applicable to you and you haven’t already done so, please provide your sesshin travel information to Keith ([email protected])by answering these questions.

Before sesshin

(1) What is the arrival date and time of your bus, train, or flight (including airline and flight number)?

(2) Will you need a ride when you arrive?

(3) Will you need a room at AP or CM?

After sesshin

(4) Will you need a room at AP or CM?

(5) Will you need a ride when you depart?

(6) What is the departure date and time of your bus, train, or flight (including airline and flight number)?

Sesshin Payment

In-person sesshin participants may pay by check, cash, or credit card, though checks are preferred. Checks may be mailed to the Zen Center or payment may be made on arrival. Because payment for sesshin is not classified as a donation, we can’t take payment through the PayPal Giving Fund buttons on our website.


If attending online

 Confirming Participation; Payment

Please complete the Participation Confirmation form to indicate which blocks of sesshin you plan to attend. At the bottom of the form there is a place to pay for sesshin ($7 per block) through PayPal. If you plan on paying by another method (check, Training Fund, etc.) please indicate that in the Special Instructions section.

Just as each participant must submit a sesshin application, each Zoom participant must also complete the Participation Confirmation form.

Fulfilling your commitment

You will be expected to attend all of the blocks of sesshin for which you’re registered. If, after sesshin has begun, you find that due to unforeseen circumstances you have to miss one or more rounds of a block for which you signed up, please notify the designated person as soon as possible.