Daily sittings are great, but an extended sitting is a chance to wade further into the waters of zazen. You’ll get a break from stress, a taste of a sesshin day, and maybe even a new perspective on your mind and life.

Besides the usual sitting that will run from 8:30 to around 10:30, there are three other blocks of formal sitting scheduled.  Private Instruction will be offered during block 3.

While it’s all right to come just to part of the day, we do ask that participants commit to staying for all of the two or three rounds of sitting in any block. Below is the extended sitting schedule.

Schedule (Eastern Time) Venue
6:15 am Block 1: Zazen Arnold Park & Zoom
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Block 2: Zazen, Chanting, & Coming to the Path Talk Arnold Park & Zoom
~10:30 Mid-morning break
11:00 Block 3: Zazen & Private Instruction Arnold Park & Zoom
12:45 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Block 4: Zazen, ending with the Four Vows Arnold Park & Zoom

For those attending online, some forethought and prep can help you create a more supportive environment for sitting allowing you to make the most of this opportunity. Setup tips for extended sittings and sesshin can be found here.

To receive Zoom access or for questions about how to participate in Private Instruction, email Jissai ([email protected]).