The Zen Center’s Board of Trustees provides oversight of the Center’s business and financial operations as well as a sounding board for the Center’s Spiritual Co-Directors, Sensei John Pulleyn and Sensei Dhara Kowal. The board consists of six trustees, three of whom are elected by the Center’s membership, two of whom are elected by the trustees, and one who is appointed by the Spiritual co-Directors.

Officers of the Zen Center include two co-presidents, a vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom are elected by the Board of Trustees.

You may contact the Center’s leadership (trustees, officers, teachers, and Heads of Zendo) by sending an email message ([email protected]).

Trustees, Officers, and Heads of Zendo

Doug Carr (Trustee)

Rebecca Gilbert (Trustee)

Jonathan Hager (Trustee and Board Chair)

Darin Harris (Trustee)

Scott Jennings (Secretary and Business Manager)

Barry Keesan (Treasurer)

Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede (Honorary Trustee and Spiritual Director Emeritus)

Sensei Dhara Kowal (Honorary Trustee and Co-President)

Tom Kowal (Chapin Mill Head of Zendo)

Chris Maley (Trustee)

Rick Phelps (Trustee)

Ven. Jissai Prince-Cherry (Vice-President)

Chris Pulleyn (Trustee Emerita)

Sensei John Pulleyn (Honorary Trustee and Co-President)

Ven. Trueman Taylor (Arnold Park Head of Zendo)

Trustee Responsibilities