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Repentance Ceremony

Everyone is invited to join with fellow Sangha members in the Arnold Park zendo at 7 p.m. for zazen (with dokusan for in-person participants), followed by this meaningful ceremony. Since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, repentance has been an integral aspect of Buddhist practice. As Zen master Dogen said, “Sincere repentance helps us to cleanse…

Buddha’s Birthday

Buddha’s Birthday festivities on Saturday, May 25, include music, story-telling, a parade, and food. Details are below. The full weekend schedule is here.  A gallery of photos from Buddha’s Birthday 2018 is here. Morning No formal in-person sitting. Zoom sitting at 7:00. Work as usual at 8:00 a.m. 10:45-11:20 a.m. Gamelan Orchestra (outside near the…

Temple Night and Jukai

Our annual celebration of the Buddha’s birth begins with Temple Night and Jukai (Taking the Precepts) on Friday, May 24. There are two Jukai ceremonies held each year, and although this springtime one – the climax of Temple Night – is somewhat informal, it offers us an opportunity to reinforce our practice and express our…

Buddha’s Birthday Weekend 2024

Please join us the weekend of May 24 – May 25 for a celebration of the Buddha’s birthday. This is our biggest celebration of the year, with something for everyone — children, adults, friendly animals, and online participants. All sentient beings are welcome. Come if you can! Click here to print a PDF of the…

Additional Information for Sesshin

Below is additional information that is specific to the July 13-20, 2024 (7-day) Sesshin.  Here is the daily sesshin schedule. Whether you’re attending sesshin inperson or online, take time to look over the general guidelines and instructions that apply here for in-person and here for online.   If attending in-person at Chapin Mill New COVID-19 Protocols We are announcing changes…

Uprooting Racism

You’re invited to join this hour-long, hybrid meeting of Uprooting Racism. We begin at 11:15 am (Eastern) in the Garden Conference Room at Arnold Park and on Zoom . The mission of Uprooting Racism is to gain personal insight into racism in order to abandon it on an individual level, dismantle it on an institutional…

Repentance Ceremony

Repentance Gatha All harmful actions committed by me since time immemorial Stemming from greed, anger, and delusion, Arising from body, speech, and mind, I now repent having committed. More details to come…

Thanksgiving & Jukai 2023

Thursday, November 16 7:00 p.m. Zazen and Ceremony of Aid: A day of fasting for Zen Center residents, and others are welcome to join in. Monetary offerings collected during the ceremony will be donated to RMAN (Rochester Mutual Aid Network). Sunday, November 19 8:30 a.m. Zazen at 8:30 followed by Ceremony of Gratitude at 9:30…

Ceremony of Aid

Beginning at 7 p.m., we’ll sit for two rounds followed by the Ceremony of Aid. Mind is unlimited. Chanting when performed egolessly has the power to penetrate visible and invisible worlds. —  Roshi Philip Kapleau For our annual Ceremony of Aid, we seek to send spiritual and material aid to where it is acutely needed….