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Arnold Park Work Day

Spring is here, so come if you can to a Sangha workday at Arnold Park on Saturday, May 18th. Our goal is weeding, mulching, pruning, and edging, both the back yard and front. The work day will follow the Annual Meeting, with lunch at 1:00. Pizza and salad will also be provided. If you can’t…

Baseball Viewing Party

Baseball Viewing Party: Yankees at The Angels Join our host, Jake Langendorfer at 7 p.m. for Yankees at The Angels. We’ll be watching the game in the library on the 3rdfloor of 5 Arnold Park. Come to the front door and ring the doorbell. You can look forward to pizza and non-alcoholic beer.

Zen of Living and Dying

About every couple of weeks after the Sunday morning sitting at 11:30 a.m., a group of Sangha members meets for an hour on Zoom to provide support for each other while dealing with issues of life, death, and illness. Participants affectionately refer to the group as ZLD. At ZLD meetings, we share, we listen, we…

Parent Practice Group

Calling all those involved in parenting, including grandparents and chosen aunties and uncles! Once a month join Sangha member Susan Rakow on Zoom from 8:15 to 9:15 p.m. (Eastern), for a light-hearted, expert-led, educational, and supportive Parent Practice group. Click here to sign up.

Finding Your Seat

Trying to get your Zen practice going, but aren’t quite there yet? Or your practice is going, but it isn’t as regular as you’d like it to be?  Still wondering about certain zendo protocols? Or do you have some posture questions? Then the Finding Your Seat (FYS) program is for you! FYS meets most Saturdays…

Saturday Dokusan (Dhara-sensei)

Dokusan is a one-to-one teaching encounter in private given at this center by a fully authorized Zen teacher — either Sensei John Pulleyn or Sensei Dhara Kowal. It is open to those who have become members of the Center. Dokusan is geared to matters of practice in the narrow sense of the word (e.g., zazen), but…

Sangha Hike

To express interest in any of the upcoming Sangha Hikes, please complete this form: https://rzc.breezechms.com/form/511b50 Mendon Ponds, Sunday, October 22 Join us for a hike at Mendon Ponds. We will be hiking an easy, dog-friendly 2-mile loop around Devil’s Bathtub. You can meet at 11:30 am at the Zen Center (7 Arnold Park) to carpool,…

Hockey Viewing Party

Join our host, Jake Langendorfer for Buffalo at Philadelphia. We’ll be watching the game in the library on the 3rd floor of 5 Arnold Park at 7 p.m. Come to the front door and ring the doorbell. You can look forward to pizza and non-alcoholic beer.

7-Day Sesshin

Sesshins (Zen meditation retreats held in silence and seclusion) are offered about once a month at the Rochester Zen Center. They vary in length from two to seven days.

What to Know Before Applying to Sesshin
Sesshins are rigorous, demanding a great deal of the sitter….

Dharma Reflections

A Sangha Engagement Online Program Dharma Reflections takes place the third Sunday of each month from 1:00 to 2:15pm Eastern on Zoom. Longtime RZC member Larry McSpadden leads  friendly discussions, suitable for newcomers and established practitioners alike, on short selections of Buddhist writings and teachings. If you’re interested in attending DR meetings or need more…