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RZC Recipes Online

Thanks to the efforts of Jeanette Prince-Cherry, we now have a number of the Zen Center’s many recipes online, and we’ll continue to add more. These recipes are shared to support Sangha in their efforts to eat a more compassionate diet. Check out the recipes collection here.

Sangha Dinner

We aim for a Sangha Dinner every three months and the next is planned for July 13. We’ll start cooking at 4:30 pm and begin eating around 5:45 pm. Participants may arrive any time before 5:45 pm to help cook or just to eat. After dinner we’ll clean up the kitchen. If you plan on attending, please email Devin Wiesner…

September Two-Day Sesshin

Sesshins are Zen meditation retreats held in strict silence with about 10 hours a day of formal zazen.  The Center schedules two of these relatively short sesshins each year, one in September and the other in February or March.  They’re led by one of Roshi’s senior students (Eryl Kubicka for this one) and, for those…

New Year’s Eve

If you’d like to start the new year fueled by zazen rather than by intoxicants or TV, come join with others in the Sangha for our annual celebration. We’ll welcome in the New Year on Tuesday evening with sitting and ceremonies, starting at 8 pm and winding up a little past midnight. For the many…

Winter Term Intensive

Beginning on January 16  and ending on February 20  before the February 4-day sesshin, we’ll have a 5-week Term Intensive.  These “TI’s” (we have two each year) are excellent opportunities to step up our sitting and to work with habit patterns we’d like to change.  They’re  also an good way to get to know others…