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Email: March 18

Zazen and Dharma Talk This Sunday, March 20 This Sunday Trueman Taylor will give a Dharma talk after morning zazen. As usual, we’ll start at 8:30 with a 50-minute round with a bell at the half-way point for posture change. The round is followed by kinhin, a short chanting service, and the Dharma talk. You’re…

Email: March 11

Roshi’s Latest Podcast It’s been about a month since Roshi’s last podcast. Check out his latest here. It’s entitled “Ukraine and Russia: What Would Buddha Do?”   Spring Forward Early Sunday Morning Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday at 2 am. Be sure to spring your clocks forward one hour before going to bed on Saturday…

Email: February 16

Dharma Talk This Sunday (February 20) Postponed This Sunday’s Dharma Talk has been re-scheduled for Sunday, March 20. This Sunday, February 20, we’ll sit for three 30-minute rounds with kinhin in between, ending with the Four Vows. Are Zen Center Library Books Lying around Your Home? Because of COVID-19 restrictions during the past two years, we now…

Email: February 10

Happy Friday! Join host Brenda Reeb on February 11, 4:30-5:45 pm EST, on Zoom for this Friday social event. How was your week? What are you looking forward to over the weekend? Want companionship in a socially distant way? Need help with something? We’ll use a round-robin format to check in with everyone who wants…

Email: February 3

The Center Reopens This Sunday, February 6 The Center’s COVID-19 task force met on Tuesday, and decided that the Center can reopen for in-person sittings, starting this Sunday, February 6. Please follow these protocols if you plan to return to sitting in-person (and we hope you do!) at Arnold Park or Chapin Mill: To attend…

Email: January 28

Need connection? We’ve got you! If you’re lonely during the Omicron surge and winter weather, you’re not alone. Join our recurring online social meetup Happy Friday to get to know other Sangha members, catch up with folks, and gently ease into the weekend! Happy Friday next meets today, Friday, January 28, at 4:30 pm EST…

Join us online!

Center Closed to Non-residents Due To Worsening COVID-19 Situation Unfortunately, the Center’s COVID-19 Task Force has decided that, in view of the current COVID situation in Monroe and Genesee Counties, the Center’s Arnold Park and Chapin Mill locations will both remain closed to non-residents for at least the coming week. For example, here in Monroe…

Email: December 29

Omicron, Rohatsu Sesshin, and Suspension of In-Person Sittings The Center’s COVID-19 Task Force met yesterday afternoon, and they are still cautiously hopeful that the hybrid Rohatsu sesshin (January 8-15, 2022) can go ahead as planned. As mentioned earlier, a decision will be made, tentatively, on Tuesday, January 4, and we’ll let everyone know if in-person…

Email: December 16

Center on Break Our week-long holiday break begins this Sunday, December 19, after the morning sitting, teisho by Sensei, and Sangha meeting. We’ll start back up on Monday evening, December 27, with the 7:00 pm sitting and dokusan. As always, the zendos at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill are available to members, and we’re happy…

Email: December 3

This Weekend: Finding Your Seat (Saturday Online) and Teisho (Sunday) If you are new to Zen practice (or not!), it can be a challenge to maintain daily sitting. But not to worry: Finding Your Seat is here to help. There will be two Saturday sessions this month: December 4 (tomorrow) and December 18, both from…