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Email: October 14, 2021

Roberta Kurland Sad news: long-time Center member and sesshin veteran Roberta Kurland died after having a stroke this past Tuesday evening. Her attendance at dozens of 7-day sesshins will serve her well in her passage through the bardo (the intermediate stage of existence between death and rebirth). Trueman Taylor is in contact with her son,…

Email: May 22, 2021

New Teacher, New Teaching Model A Letter from Roshi: The time has come, I believe, for our Sangha to have the services of a second fully-sanctioned teacher in Rochester, and I have asked John Pulleyn to fill that role. He has also agreed to partner with me as Co-Spiritual Director of the Center (we’re retiring the title…

Email: March 27, 2021

Teisho This Sunday Now that he is fully vaccinated (two weeks out from his second shot), Roshi will join staff in the Arnold Park zendo and give teisho this Sunday, March 28. As usual, the teisho will be broadcast on Mixlr. Re-opening at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill With Roshi re-entering the zendo for teisho…

Email: July 23, 2020

Roshi’s CoronaCast: July 23, 2020. Upcoming Sesshins We’re looking to schedule sesshins beyond the one next week led by Amala-sensei (for which there’s still time to apply). Our beloved in-person 7-day sesshins are not likely to be back until 2021, but we’ll continue to offer sesshins via Zoom . . . starting with a September…

Email: June 25, 2020

Roshi’s CoronaCast: June 25, on wearing masks. July Sesshin Our next online sesshin, of 5 days, will take place July 27-31, the same week it had been scheduled for before the pandemic, but shorter (application deadline: Saturday, July 25). And as planned, Sensei Amala Wrightson will be leading it, but now from New Zealand. Auckland is…

Email: June 19, 2020

Chapin Mill Work Retreat 2020 First, the good news: We will be (kind-of) having our annual work retreat at Chapin Mill! Bad news: It will be short, modified, and laced with hygiene safety restrictions. The work retreat will span just two half-days: Friday, June 26, and Saturday, June 27, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, ending…

Email: May 28, 2020

CoronaCast This Week The latest: CoronaCast from Roshi: May 28. Memorial Service for the 100,000 To mark the terrible milestone of our now having reached 100,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths, this Sunday, May 31, Roshi will read aloud the prayer at the heart of the standard Buddhist memorial service (adapted from the Tibetan Book of the…

Email: May 16, 2020

June “Sesshin” Our maiden virtual sesshin is scheduled for Monday morning, June 8, through Thursday evening, June 11. It will depart from our customary sesshin schedule, starting later each day (6:15 am), running until 9:00 pm, and also with longer break periods to provide time for participants to manage their households – meals, family, pets,…

Email: May 14, 2020

Death in the Sangha We just learned that Joe Metzinger, a Cleveland Sangha member, died of Covid-19 on April 2. Joe attended his first 7-day sesshin last year, and was scheduled to return for this year’s March sesshin that had to be cancelled. Our condolences to our Cleveland Zazen Group and all who knew Joe….

Email: April 30, 2020

This Week’s CoronaCast The latest: CoronaCast from Roshi, April 30. Dokusan From Roshi: “It has been a real pleasure to be able to have tele-dokusan every day, especially with out-of-town members, whom I generally don’t get to see outside sesshin, but also with local members, whom I’ve not been seeing much of, either. Here are…