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Email 12-15-2023

An Update on Barry Keesan and Chanting Service Today Barry is improving and graduated from the ICU to a regular stroke ward on Tuesday night. Once he’s able to swallow well enough to safely eat and drink, he should be able to leave the hospital for long-term rehab.  This afternoon, at 3:15 in the Arnold Park…

Email 12-07-2023

Buddha’s Enlightenment Ceremony Tonight! This evening’s sitting will conclude with the annual ceremony that commemorates the Buddha’s Great Enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, complete with sutra reading, chanting, and warm kheer (milk-rice) in the candle-lit dining room. Sitting begins at 7:00 pm, and the ceremony follows at 8:00. Everything, including the sitting, will also be…

Email 12-05-2023

Third Healing Chanting Service for Barry Keesan Today at 3:15 pm Sangha member Barry Keesan is still in the ICU and on the ventilator and his recovery remains uncertain. We will be dedicating our chanting service to him this afternoon at Arnold Park, and all are welcome to attend.

Email 12-01-2023

Saturday Dokusan with John-sensei, December 2 Dokusan is occasionally offered on Saturday mornings to accommodate members who can’t attend regular sittings with dokusan during the week. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 10:00 am. An announcement will be made before…

Email 11-29-2023

Another Healing Chanting Service for Barry Keesan Today at 3:15 pm Sangha member Barry Keesan, who suffered a massive stroke last week, is still in the ICU (for the time being, visitors are not allowed, except for family members). He is currently on a ventilator and his pneumonia symptoms continue to be managed by the…

Email 11-22-2023

Healing Chanting Service Today at 3:15 pm Last night, we received word that Barry Keesan suffered a massive stroke. Barry is a long-time Sangha member and Treasurer of the Center. The afternoon chanting service at Arnold Park will be dedicated to him, and all are welcome to attend. It will also be broadcast on Zoom.

Email 11-21-2023

COVID Update A heads-up that two Sangha members who attended sittings at Arnold Park over the past week have tested positive, and Dhara-sensei is one of them. Both have relatively mild symptoms. Since transmission likely transpired during the Ceremony of Aid (Thursday) or Ceremony of Gratitude (Sunday), if you attended one of those ceremonies and…

Email 11-18-2023

About the Ceremony of Gratitude, Sunday, November 19 Gratitude is the living heart of Zen practice and of our American tradition of Thanksgiving. You’re invited to join us tomorrow morning in the zendo at Arnold Park or online at 8:30 am (EST) for zazen, hearing personal expressions of gratitude from fellow Sangha members, and sharing…

Email 11-16-2023

Ceremony of Aid, Thursday, November 16 Tonight, we’ll sit for two rounds followed by the Ceremony of Aid (more details here). As usual, you can listen in on the audio livestream or join on Zoom. Each year, on this Thursday before Thanksgiving, we have a day of fasting here at the Center, and during the…

Email 11-10-2023

John-sensei and Dhara-sensei’s New Schedule Now that John-sensei has made his way through the initial phase of recovery from his knee replacements, he and Dhara-sensei have begun sharing duties, rather than following the six-month on/six month-off schedule we adopted after Roshi’s move to Florida. This means that our two teachers will divvy up responsibilities for…