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Email 10-27-2023

DepreshZen, Saturday, Oct. 28, 3:00 pm DepreshZen is a peer support group for Sangha members with depression and anxiety disorders. If you’re interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Iriz Robles or Tom Kowal.  Joining the 7-day Sesshin on Zoom (Oct.28 – Nov. 4)  Although the regular schedule of Zoom sittings is suspended…

Email 10-24-2023

Message from John-sensei  Now that my recovery from two knee replacements is well under way, Dhara-sensei and I are going to begin sharing daily teaching duties. With sesshin coming up on Saturday, I’ll offer dokusan this week on Wednesday morning and Thursday evening. I don’t feel I’m ready yet to cover all of this upcoming…

Email 10-20-2023

Saturday Dokusan with John-sensei, October 21 Dokusan is occasionally offered on Saturday mornings to accommodate members who can’t attend regular sittings with dokusan during the week. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 10:00 am. An announcement will be made before…

Email 10-13-2023

Weekly Schedule Change Starting today, Friday, October 13, we’re going to experiment with making our Friday evening in-person sittings informal and optional for staff at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill. As many of you know, our staff numbers are low, and demands on everyone have increased. Over the years, the nature of residential training at…

Email 10-06-2023

Saturday Dokusan with John-sensei, October 7 Dokusan is occasionally offered on Saturday mornings to accommodate members who can’t attend regular sittings with dokusan during the week. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 10:00 am. An announcement will be made before…

Email 09-21-2023

The Fall 2023 calendar is available here. Sangha Meeting Recap This past Sunday, we held a Zoom conversation that highlighted differing needs and expectations regarding the Center’s engagement with anti-racism and social justice issues in general. With some 50 participants, including members of the Board of Trustees and other leaders, it was an opportunity to…

Email: 09-14-2023

Reminder: Esther Gokhale Workshop, Thursday, September 14, 7:00 pm Zazen and Teisho by Dhara-sensei, Sunday, September 17, 8:30 am In the zendo at Arnold Park, we’ll have one extended round of sitting with a bell at the half-way point for a posture change, followed by kinhin, a short chanting service, and then teisho. All will…

Email 09-08-2023

September 7-day Sesshin Deadline Yesterday was the application deadline for the September 23-30 sesshin led by Dhara-sensei. You may still apply by clicking here. No Formal Sitting at Arnold Park Friday Evening, September 8 The 2-day sesshin at Chapin Mill begins tonight. Joining Sittings During the Upcoming 2-day sesshin (September 8-10) While sesshin is underway…

Email 08-22-2023

Reminder: Summer Break, August 23 to September 5 During the break we’ll continue to hold Zoom sittings Monday through Saturday morning from 7:00 to 8:00, Sunday morning from 8:30 to 9:30, and Monday through Friday evening from 7:00 to 8:00. In addition, the Arnold Park zendo will be open for members to come and sit…

Email 08-18-2023

Zen Bow, Spring/Summer 2023 The latest issue of Zen Bow is available here. (Hard copies will be printed and mailed to those who have requested them within the next few weeks.) Founder’s Day: Roshi Philip Kapleau’s Birthday This Sunday, August 20, as part of our annual remembrance of Kapleau-roshi, who was born August 20, 1912,…