On November 19, the Center will hold our annual Ceremony of Gratitude. Zazen is at 8:30am followed by the ceremony at 9:30am in the Arnold Park zendo.

In many ways, Thanksgiving is the most Buddhist of national holidays – a time when we pause to give and to contemplate all the things we are grateful for.

The Link altar will include baskets for food offerings to be donated to St. Andrews Food Cupboard. (Non-perishable food – canned or boxed – is best, and winter clothing is also needed. Here is a complete list of the type of items that are needed.)

During the Ceremony of Gratitude, offerings will be made by and on behalf of the Sangha, and participants are invited to write statements of gratitude that will be read aloud during the ceremony. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Family, friends, and children are all welcome to attend in-person or online! Contact Jissai ([email protected]) for Zoom access.