Joining the 2-day Sesshin on Zoom (February 16-18)

Although the regular schedule of Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin, even if you’re not signed up for it, you’re welcome to join any block of sesshin (though without private instruction) in our usual Zoom room. The 2-day sesshin schedule is posted at (

Sittings (And Dokusan) This Weekend at Arnold Park

There will be the regularly scheduled Saturday and Sunday morning sittings at Arnold Park. On Saturday, John-sensei will also give dokusan at 10:00 am. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 10:00 am. An announcement will be made before dokusan begins.
For Sunday, there will be three 30-minute rounds with kinhin in between, followed by a chanting service. You can refer to the online calendar here.

Update on Online Sits: Drop in Anytime

Not only during sesshin, but also for daily sittings, Zoomers can sign on at any time for a sitting. Although it’s ideal to sit for an entire round or block, people should not hesitate to pop in during a formal sitting, including in the middle of a round. This is especially relevant to sesshin, when it’s impossible for most folks to determine when kinhin takes place.

However, this doesn’t apply to those who have registered for sesshin. We ask that you arrive on time for each sitting you committed to attending. If you arrive late, you might miss the set up for dokusan invitations.

Dharma Reflections, Sunday, February 18, 1:00 – 2:15 pm

Dharma Reflections meets the third Sunday of each month on Zoom for friendly discussions, suitable for newcomers and established practitioners alike, on short selections of Buddhist writings and teachings.
If you’re interested in attending or need more information, contact Larry.

Dr. Roxy Manning: Free Microaggressions Workshop with Q&A , Thursday, February 22, 7:00 – 8:00 pm EST

Grow your understanding of and capacity to address microaggressions. Bring your questions and scenarios for in-depth discussions on empathetic responses and effective, responsive actions. NOTE: To reach a wider audience, this session will be live streamed using “speaker only” view via Facebook Live.

Dr. Roxy Manning is a clinical psychologist and certified trainer and assessor for the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She regularly leads workshops centered on nonviolent communication and social change in the United States and internationally. Since 2004 she has operated a private consulting business, supporting organizations and corporations to address power differences and foster inclusion. As a psychologist, she works primarily with the homeless population of San Francisco.

New March Date for Youth Sunday

Previously scheduled on Sunday, March 17, but will now be March 3rd.

Inviting Self-Nominations for the RZC Board of Trustees

Do you have leadership experience in some aspect of organizational functioning, such as human resources, operations, financial planning, technology, marketing, fundraising, or legal affairs? If so, you may be a strong candidate for serving on the Center’s Board of Trustees for a three-year term. If you’re interested in this possibility, the first step is to submit a self-nomination, which is due on March 11. Complete the form here. For questions or more information, contact Darin Harris, who currently serves as a trustee. Also, you’ll find an overview of trustee responsibilities here.