Gisela Hellstern, July 19, 1957 – February 27, 2023

It is with sorrow that we report that Gisela Hellstern, a longtime member of our Sangha and a leader of the Berlin Zen Group, died on the morning of February 27. Gisela was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer some two years ago, but had been in full remission since then thanks to a remarkable medication paid for through Germany’s health-care system. In fact, she had been living a full, healthy, and joyous life until last week, when she suffered a perforated appendix as a side effect of the cancer drug. This then required that she be taken off the drug.

Gisela is survived by her husband, Sensei Robert Goldmann, and their son Julian, age 27. She will be missed terribly by them and by the Berlin Sangha and by all of us who knew her.

We will hold a memorial service for her this afternoon, Tuesday, February 28, at 3pm in the Arnold Park zendo, and all are welcome. It will be broadcast on Zoom for those who can’t attend in person.