Chapin Mill Weekend Work Retreat: May 10-12

This year the Chapin Mill Work Retreat will be split into two weekends. The first weekend begins this Friday, May 10, with a sitting at 7 pm, and ends after lunch on Sunday, May 12. The schedule, which includes daily dokusan, is available here.

The focus will be outdoor work and includes brush clean up, mulching and weeding. If you plan to work outdoors, please bring a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, gloves and proper footwear.

Indoor work in the kitchen and housekeeping is available for those unable to work outdoors. Please bring clean shoes to wear indoors. Kitchen workers are required to wear closed-toe shoes. People wishing to sleepover are asked to bring their own towels and sheets. For planning purposes participants are asked to complete the online registration form.

Please familiarize yourself with identifying poison ivy, and for tick prevention if you expect to be working outside or walking off the paved road. We have plenty of Permethrin spray for treating clothing, but it needs to dry before using. We will have several types of repellent on hand; however, you may want to bring your own if you are sensitive to certain types.

Zazen at AP and on Zoom May 10-12? Yes!

During the Chapin Mill work retreat this weekend, there will be the usual schedule of sittings in-person at Arnold Park and on Zoom.

Other Upcoming Activities

Sunday, May 12, 3:30 pm, DepreshZen
Wednesday, May 15, 6:00 pm, Youth Night

Sesshin Application Deadline & Training Fund

The deadline to apply for the June 1-8 seven-day sesshin led by Sensei Dhara Kowal is Thursday, May 16.

Do you need financial assistance with sesshin or residential training? The Training Fund is here to help. If costs make the difference between your applying or not applying, please ask for Training Fund support. Here is how.

Annual Meeting, Saturday, May 18

Our next Annual Meeting of Members will be held on May 18 at 9:30 am. You’re invited to attend in-person in the Buddha Hall or on Zoom. Minutes for previous Annual Meetings and Trustee Meetings as well as Annual Financial Reports are available at

And after the Annual Meeting of Members …

Sangha Work Day at AP, Saturday, May 18

Spring is here, so come if you can to a Sangha workday at Arnold Park on Saturday, May 18th. Our goal is weeding, mulching, pruning, and edging, both the back yard and front. The work day will follow the Annual Meeting, with lunch at 1:00. Pizza and salad will also be provided.

If you can’t make it by 11:00, or stay until lunch, please join us for as long as you are able.

RSVP to Lila and mention any gardening skills (and physical limitations) you may have. Even if you can’t commit yet or don’t sign up in advance, you’re welcome to drop in for all or part of the day. Also, don’t forget to let us know about any dietary restrictions you may have.

Extended Sitting and Coming-to-the-Path Talk, Sunday, May 19

You’re welcome to come to any of the four blocks of sitting that happen between 6:15 am and 3:00 pm. During block 2 (8:30-10:30 am), Sangha member Anna Belle Leiserson will give a Coming-to-the-Path talk. Private Instruction will be offered during block 3. Here is more information and a full schedule. Join us in-person at Arnold Park or on Zoom.

Social Media Volunteer Needed

The Center’s Development Committee (AKA DevCom) is looking for help with both Google AdWords and social media in order to promote our workshops, the training program, special events, and membership in general. If you have either or both of these skills and are willing to volunteer your time, please let Chris Pulleyn know.

Visitors Welcome

Longtime Center member Barry Keesan has been making steady progress in recovering from a massive stroke last November. For the past several months, he has been residing in the Jewish Home, located in nearby Brighton, where he undergoes rehab.  Barry really appreciates having visitors, especially on weekends.  If you’d like to visit, please sign up in advance using this Google spreadsheet, which includes some instructions.

He also appreciates phone calls and FaceTime. Please contact a family member or close friend if you do not have his phone number.