Joining the 7-day Sesshin on Zoom (July 22-29)

While sesshin is underway at Chapin Mill, you can still join the in-person sittings at Arnold Park. Refer to the weekly schedule here for the days and times. (Chanting, dokusan, and Private Instruction are not offered at Arnold Park sittings during sesshin.)

The regular schedule for morning and evening Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin. However, even if you’re not signed up for sesshin, you’re welcome to join any block of sitting (though without dokusan) in our usual Zoom room. If you do join us, please log on before a block begins or during kinhin to minimize distraction. Likewise, if you cannot stay for an entire block, leave during one of the kinhins whenever possible. The sesshin schedule is posted here.

DepreshZen Meeting, Saturday, July 22, 3:00 p.m.

DepreshZen is a support and advocacy group for Sangha members with depression and anxiety disorders. DepreshZen is a safe space to talk openly and educate ourselves and others about living with these conditions from the perspective of a Zen practitioner. As the group’s playful name suggests, we hope to work toward reducing the social stigma associated with mental illness.

If you’re interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Iriz Robles or Tom Kowal