Sittings During the 7-day Sesshin (September 24 – October 1)

Though there will be a sesshin at Chapin Mill next week, you can still join the in-person sittings at Arnold Park. You can refer to the weekly schedule here for the days and times (no chanting or dokusan at Arnold Park sittings during sesshin).

The regular schedule for morning and evening Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin. However, even if you’re not signed up, you’re welcome to join any block of sitting (though without dokusan) in our usual Zoom room. If you do join us, please log on before a block begins or during a kinhin to minimize distraction. Likewise, if you cannot stay for an entire block, leave during one of the kinhins whenever possible. Here is the schedule so you know what times to enter and join (the rounds are 35-minutes long with a 7-minute kinhin in between).

Roshi’s teishos will also be streamed on Mixlr, where the sound is a bit better. The regular schedule of Zoom sittings will resume Monday, October 3, at 7 a.m.

Fall Term Intensive Starts Thursday, October 6

After sesshin, the 3-week Term Intensive begins on October 6 and runs through October 27. This program is a great way to step-up your practice, and you can find more information and fill out the online application here. Contact Trueman at if you have questions.

Free Tickets for the Eastman Museum & Dryden Theatre

Sangha member Ron Mitchell has two free admission tickets to the George Eastman Museum and two free Dryden film-screening tickets. They all expire on Friday, September 30. If interested, you can call him.

Zen of Living and Dying, Sunday, October 2

On the Sunday after sesshin, Zen of Living and Dying will meet online from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Contact Eryl Kubicka for Zoom access.

Next Sangha Hike: Corbett’s Glen

This short Sangha hike, led by Arnold Park resident Jake Langendorfer, will take place at Corbett’s Glen in Penfield, just outside of Rochester proper. This hike, of moderate difficulty, will start at 1:00 pm on Monday, October 17. Less-experienced hikers and anyone with balance issues may want to wear hiking boots with traction and bring a hiking pole for a couple of steep spots. Contact Jake to RSVP or for more information on carpooling from Arnold Park.

Save the Date: Uprooting Racism Silent Reading Room

Join RZC Sangha members from 7:00 to 8:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, October 19, to silently read the Uprooting Racism Community Read book together, for companionship and “moral support”! The book is Justin Murphy’s Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger: School Segregation in Rochester, New York, available in the RZC library for member checkout.

We’ll read together in the Arnold Park library in person, and folks will also be welcome to join via Zoom. Registration information coming soon. Questions? Please email [email protected].

Two New Sangha Programs: Sangha Sandbox with Rachel & Autumn Now Poetry Workshop

Need a boost? Join us for a fun and lively social gathering! Escape from the news-and-doomscrolling cycle and meet Sangha members old and new. This new Sangha Program is hosted by Rachel Clar, a big-hearted extrovert who knows how to laugh. Gather in the Arnold Park dining room on Thursday, October 20, at 5:00 pm EDT – and be ready for levity!

Join Sangha member and one of “Buffalo’s Best Poets,” Joel Lesses, for a supportive introduction to poetry. This event is for people interested in self-exploration through poetry, reflection, contemplation, and meditation. The workshop will be offered on Zoom and in person, November 12 from 12:30 to 4:00 EST, so mark your calendars. Sign up will begin soon.