DepreshZen, Saturday, Oct. 28, 3:00 pm

DepreshZen is a peer support group for Sangha members with depression and anxiety disorders. If you’re interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Iriz Robles or Tom Kowal. 

Joining the 7-day Sesshin on Zoom (Oct.28 – Nov. 4) 

Although the regular schedule of Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin, even if you’re not signed up for it, you’re welcome to join any block of sesshin (though without dokusan) in our usual Zoom room. The sesshin schedule is posted here 

For those who live in the Rochester area, note that the usual schedule of in-person sittings will continue at Arnold Park during sesshin, and you can also join in via audio-livestream (Mixlr). 

Parent Practice Group, Monday, Oct. 30, 8:15 – 9:15 pm 

Calling all those involved in parenting, including grandparents and chosen aunties and uncles! Join Sangha member Susan Rakow on Zoom for a light-hearted, expert-led, educational, and supportive Parent Practice group. Meetings are held once per month. Click here to sign up. 

Zen of Living and Dying, Sunday, Nov. 5, 11:30 am 

At ZLD meetings, we share, we listen, we open our hearts, and maybe shed a tear or laugh. Working with issues of life, death, and illness from the perspective of Zen practice, we see how they can help us to grow in our understanding and compassion — for the benefit of ourselves and others. 

If you’re interested in attending ZLD meetings, contact Eryl Kubicka for Zoom access. 

Board of Trustees Meeting, Nov. 11-12 

The Zen Center’s Board of Trustees provides oversight of the Center’s business and financial operations as well as a sounding board for the Center’s Spiritual Co-Directors, Sensei John Pulleyn and Sensei Dhara Kowal. Here is a list of Trustee responsibilities. 

The Board consists of six trustees, three of whom are elected by the Center’s membership, two of whom are elected by the trustees, and one who is appointed by the Spiritual Co-Directors. 

Officers of the Zen Center include two co-presidents, a vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom are elected by the Board of Trustees. 

Here are our Trustees, Officers, and Heads of Zendo: 

Doug Carr (Trustee) 

Rebecca Gilbert (Trustee) 

Jonathan Hager (Trustee and Board Chair) 

Luka Häkkilä (Trustee) 

Darin Harris (Trustee) 

Scott Jennings (Secretary and Business Manager) 

Barry Keesan (Treasurer) 

Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede (Honorary Trustee and Spiritual Director Emeritus) 

Sensei Dhara Kowal (Honorary Trustee and Co-President) 

Tom Kowal (Chapin Mill Head of Zendo) 

Ven. Jissai Prince-Cherry (Vice President) 

Chris Pulleyn (Trustee Emerita) 

Sensei John Pulleyn (Honorary Trustee and Co-President) 

Ven. Lila Redding (Trustee) 

Ven. Trueman Taylor (Arnold Park Head of Zendo) 

You may contact the Center’s leadership (trustees, officers, teachers, and Heads of Zendo) by sending a message to [email protected].