Chanting Service for Ven. Wayman Kubicka, Thursday, May 30, 3:00 pm

This afternoon, we’ll dedicate another chanting service to Wayman, who is continuing to receive home hospice care. All are welcome and encouraged to participate by joining us in the Arnold Park zendo or the online zendo.

Below is a link to the Rochester Zen Center chant book as well as a list of chants we’ll do for the service: 

  • Prajna Paramita (twice) page 11
  • Shosai Myokichijo Darani page 14
  • 10-Verse Kannon Sutra page 13
  • Special Return of Merit
  • 10 Directions page 18
  • Three prostrations (no Four Vows) 

Joining the 7-day Sesshin on Zoom (June 1 – 8)

Although the regular schedule of Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin, you’re welcome to join any block of sesshin, even if you’re not signed up for it (though without dokusan), in our usual Zoom room. The sesshin schedule is posted here. And, please don’t be concerned about signing in during the middle of a round – you’re not likely to disturb anyone because all participants are muted upon entry. 

Sittings at Arnold Park During Sesshin

For those who live in the Rochester area, note that the usual schedule of in-person sittings will continue at Arnold Park during sesshin, and you can also join in via audio-livestream

Other Upcoming Activities

Sunday, June 2

Sunday, June 9

Poetry Book Launch, Wednesday, June 5

Sangha member Joel Lesses, editor of Journeys of Sacred Community: A Collection Anthology of Ground and Sky Poetry, is inviting the Sangha to celebrate his book launch, at Before Your Quiet Eyes Bookstore (439 Monroe Ave), on Wednesday June 5th, at 6:00 pm, with an opportunity to join on Zoom. For more information, contact Joel Lesses at [email protected]..

You’re invited! SafeZone Training, Saturday, June 15

Led by facilitators from SafeZone Training Initiative, the Zen Center will hold a two-hour workshop entitled “Fostering LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces.” While staff will be required to attend, we also encourage Sangha participation. 

Join us for the workshop on June 15th, 10:00 am-noon, and, if you attend, we hope you’ll also stay for lunch at 12:30. Please RSVP by calling Lila Redding at (585) 473-9180.  

Coming Soon: Chapin Mill Work Retreat, July 5 – 7

This will be Part 2 of this year’s Chapin Mill Work Retreat. In addition to working together on the upkeep of the buildings and grounds, it’s an opportunity to intensify your meditation practice and enjoy the company of Sangha and the beauty of Chapin Mill. 

You’re welcome to come for all or part of the retreat. Simply complete the Chapin Mill Work Retreat Form to let us know when you’d like to come, any physical limitations you have, and skills you’d like to contribute. There’s no fee for the retreat although donations for food are welcome (suggested donation: $20/day). Here is the schedule.