Saturday Dokusan, April 9

To attend Saturday morning dokusan with Sensei, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 9:00 am. An announcement will be made before dokusan begins. This extra dokusan is to accommodate members who have a hard time making it during the week. For questions, contact Trueman Taylor.

Coming-to-the-Path Talk by Jeanette Prince-Cherry, April 10

The next Coming-to-the-Path talk will be delivered by Jeanette Prince-Cherry after the Sunday morning sitting and chanting service. In Coming-to-the-Path talks, senior students share their journey to the Dharma and to the Rochester Zen Center. A short question-and-answer session will follow the talk.

You’re invited to join us onsite in the Arnold Park zendo, on Zoom, or via our audio livestream.

Zen of Living and Dying, April 10

Every few weeks at 11:00 am, after Sunday brunch, a group of Sangha members meets to provide support for each other while dealing with issues of life, death, and illness. Working with these difficulties from the perspective of Zen practice, we see how they can help us grow in our understanding and compassion – for the benefit of ourselves and others.
If you’re interested in attending Zen of Living and Dying, contact Eryl Kubicka.

Chanting as Zen Practice

In Zen: Merging of East and West, Kapleau-roshi says, “No element of Zen devotions occupies a more central role than chanting. There is hardly a Zen temple or center where men and women do not assemble in the main hall at least once a day and chant sutras and the words of the masters who have realized the highest truth.”
Now that the Center has returned to holding regular chanting services during the week and in sesshin, those new to chanting or wanting a refresher are invited to listen to Bodhin-roshi’s teisho from July 28, 2019, entitled “Chanting as Zen Practice”. In it, he offers advice on making the most of teisho, as well as practical instructions for how to chant. There are also pointers for chanting in the Center’s chant book. Please note that we continue to don masks in the zendo during chanting.

…And about the Chant Book

All are welcome to freely download and print Chants & Recitations from our website. However, chant books like those used in the zendo have the advantage of being printed on high-quality paper that’s a bit stiffer than what most of us stock at home, making the book easier to hold with two hands and the pages easier to turn. The color of the paper is also gentle on the eyes while allowing the print to stand out. To order your own Chants & Recitations (cost $5) contact Mitchell Greenwood.

Trustee Election

The Center’s Trustee Nominating Committee will soon be meeting to select two candidates to run in this spring’s Trustee election. (Incumbent Trustee Jonathan Hager is eligible for nomination to run for a third term.) If you’d like to suggest possible candidates to the Committee, you can e-mail them at [email protected]. Please note that New York law requires that all Trustees be members of the Center.

Research Participation on Meditation and Stress

Dimitri Mikrogiannakis, a psychology student at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is conducting a research study about the relationship between meditation and stress levels. He is seeking Zen practitioners to complete a 10-minute survey. The survey is entirely confidential, and participation will earn you a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. This is further explained in the informed-consent form, which will be sent along with the survey and instructions. You can contact Dimitri  to participate.