Chapin Mill Work Retreat 2020

First, the good news: We will be (kind-of) having our annual work retreat at Chapin Mill! Bad news: It will be short, modified, and laced with hygiene safety restrictions.

The work retreat will span just two half-days: Friday, June 26, and Saturday, June 27, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, ending with bag lunches outdoors both days. Chapin Mill has been closed to outsiders since stay-at-home orders were initiated in mid-March, so the interior of the Retreat Center will be off-limits to everyone except Chapin Mill residents. All work assignments will be outdoors, with no overnight stay.

Outdoor Work – Even outdoors, masks will be required when working close to others, as on a team, but may be doffed when working alone at greater distances. Outdoor work tasks will include weeding, scything, clearing up debris, and log-spitting.

Registration – Email [email protected] by 8:00 am on Thursday, June 25. People may apply for one or both days of the work retreat, but Genesee County is still limiting gatherings to 25 people, so advanced sign-up is required (we will let you know if space is available). Arnold Park staff will be participating on Friday only, to allow space for others on Saturday.

Schedule (both days):

8:45 am       Arrival (park in the field behind the barn)

9:00            Work assignments (written work cards handed out)

10:30          Water-and-doughnut break

12:15 pm     Clean-up (return tools)

12:30          Picnic lunch by the pond or Mill House (maintaining social distancing)

1:30            End

Other Details

Although the Retreat Center is off-limits, two bathrooms will be available in the Mill House.

Gardening tools, as well as first-aid supplies and bug spray, will be provided.

For last-minute cancellations or concerns on the Friday or Saturday of the work retreat, please text or call Eryl Kubicka at (585) 409-6497.

To observe infection-control guidelines, participants are asked to bring the following items:      

  • masks
  • work gloves (important)
  • filled water bottle (refills available)
  • bag lunch (refrigeration is available in the Mill House)
  • sunscreen, hat, and protective clothing
  • blanket or chair to sit on for the brown-bag lunch (optional)

And … regretfully, we will not be able to accommodate children, but we do hope to have a one-day youth retreat later in the summer.