Roshi’s Latest Podcast

It’s been about a month since Roshi’s last podcast. Check out his latest here. It’s entitled “Ukraine and Russia: What Would Buddha Do?”


Spring Forward Early Sunday Morning

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday at 2 am. Be sure to spring your clocks forward one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.


March 11: Last Happy Friday … for a While

After 12 months of volunteering her time and skills to creating and running “Happy Friday,” facilitator and long-time Sangha member Brenda Reeb is stepping back from the role. The informal, online social get-together is going on temporary hiatus after the March 11 session. However, please keep an eye out for another iteration of Happy Friday in the near future, details TBA!

To get the Zoom meeting information for the March 11 Happy Friday, please email Brenda. All Sangha members are welcome to join in.

A deep bow to Brenda for creating a much-needed space for informal social connection within our Sangha, which has become even more significant during the pandemic.


Cleaning of the Temple – Chapin Mill, Saturday, March 12

Everyone is invited to join us tomorrow morning as we turn our attention to the many corners and crevices of the Chapin Mill buildings. We will begin at 9:30 and finish with a pizza lunch (alternatives available) at 12:30.

If you’d like to spend some time with other members and friends and have a chance to see the amazing practice site our Sangha built, contact [email protected] and sign up to join in. (Unfortunately, we’re not able to offer rides this time, since the Center’s vehicles will be full.)


Extended Sitting, Sunday, March 13

Don’t forget: Daylight Saving Time! Spending a day immersed in Zen practice is a rare and precious opportunity. These intense, silent meditation days prepare beginners for sesshin and deepen the practice of both experienced practitioners and beginners alike. Sunday’s hybrid extended sitting includes plenty of zazen and kinhin plus chanting, teisho, and an opportunity for Private Instruction. Here is the full schedule.

6:15 am           Zazen

7:30                 Breakfast

8:30                 Zazen & teisho

10:15               Mid-morning break

11:00               Zazen & private instruction

12:45               Lunch

1:30-3:00      Zazen, ending with the Four Vows


… And Teisho and Youth & Family Program

Sensei will give teisho this Sunday, March 13. Join us at 8:30 am in the Arnold Park zendo or on Zoom.

Parents, Sunday is also another opportunity to drop off your kids and join the zendo for zazen and teisho! We’ll meet in the backyard of Arnold Park at 8:30 am, near the community space. You’ll be able to pick up your children in the same spot at 10:30 after teisho. Since we anticipate a wide range of ages, please RSVP to Christopher Maley by Friday evening to help us plan. Also, if you would like to be on our Youth and Family Program’s email list, let Chris know.


… And a Buddhist education — for free

Are you interested in learning about Buddhist spiritual and philosophical concepts? You’re not alone! Educational content about Buddhism was one of the most frequently requested new Sangha programs identified by the 2021 member survey that launched our continuing Sangha Renewal Project.

Longtime Sangha member Larry McSpadden started our first such program, Dharma Reflections, in 2021, and it’s continuing in 2022. New participants can join in anytime — for free.

With one Zoom meeting per month, Dharma Reflections is a friendly, approachable introduction to major Buddhist concepts. Upcoming sessions will take place on Sundays, March 13 and April 3, from 1:00 to 2:15 pm.

To learn much more, review topics and materials, and register for a free “ticket” to receive the Zoom meeting information in your inbox, please click here.

You can also email Larry directly with any questions about Dharma Reflections!


Last call! Free Streaming Access to Cooked: Survival by ZIP Code (2018)

There’s still time to register for this weekend’s upcoming free Zoom event and receive streaming access to filmmaker Judith Helfand’s acclaimed 2018 documentary Cooked: Survival by ZIP Code. This film explores the deep intersections between climate, urban planning, race, and the concept of “newsworthiness,” and the issues raised are pertinent to the Rochester area and beyond.

You can register for this free event, see Cooked’s cinematic trailer, and find a lot more information about Judith Helfand at the link above.

● Anyone registered by 6:00 pm EST on Friday, March 11, will receive a free, secure email link to view Cooked, streamed online, for viewing any time before the Zoom discussion on Sunday, March 13. (You can still join the discussion if you don’t have a chance to view the film beforehand, but we do recommend watching the film!)

● The Zoom film discussion (Sunday, March 13, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time) will be ASL-interpreted.

● Please feel free to share the registration link with family and friends, post on social media, et cetera!

Registration questions? Please contact Luka. Looking forward to seeing you there!