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Email 11-16-2023

Ceremony of Aid, Thursday, November 16 Tonight, we’ll sit for two rounds followed by the Ceremony of Aid (more details here). As usual, you can listen in on the audio livestream or join on Zoom. Each year, on this Thursday before Thanksgiving, we have a day of fasting here at the Center, and during the…

Email 11-10-2023

John-sensei and Dhara-sensei’s New Schedule Now that John-sensei has made his way through the initial phase of recovery from his knee replacements, he and Dhara-sensei have begun sharing duties, rather than following the six-month on/six month-off schedule we adopted after Roshi’s move to Florida. This means that our two teachers will divvy up responsibilities for…

Thanksgiving & Jukai 2023

Thursday, November 16 7:00 p.m. Zazen and Ceremony of Aid: A day of fasting for Zen Center residents, and others are welcome to join in. Monetary offerings collected during the ceremony will be donated to RMAN (Rochester Mutual Aid Network). Sunday, November 19 8:30 a.m. Zazen at 8:30 followed by Ceremony of Gratitude at 9:30…

Jukai (Receiving the Precepts)

This annual ceremony, second in importance only to ordination, gives us the opportunity to further ground our practice by pledging to do our best to live up to the basic sixteen precepts of Buddhism: the Three Treasures, the Three General Resolutions, and the Ten Cardinal Precepts. All are welcome, whether you’re a member of the…

Ceremony of Aid

Beginning at 7 p.m., we’ll sit for two rounds followed by the Ceremony of Aid. Mind is unlimited. Chanting when performed egolessly has the power to penetrate visible and invisible worlds. —  Roshi Philip Kapleau For our annual Ceremony of Aid, we seek to send spiritual and material aid to where it is acutely needed….