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Email 06-09-2023

The Summer 2023 Calendar Is Available here. Saturday Dokusan, June 10, 10:00 am Saturday-morning dokusans are offered to accommodate members who can’t make it to the regular dokusans held during the week. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 10:00 am….

Introduction to Zen Meditation: Workshop at the Chapin Mill Retreat Center

August 10, 2024, 9:30am – 4:00pm Whether you’re interested in learning about a meditation practice or deepening the one you already have, this Rochester Zen Center workshop will provide a practical introduction to Zen meditation. Led by Sensei Dhara Kowal, the workshop will take place in a serene country setting, the Chapin Mill Retreat Center…

Email 06-02-2023

Calling All Bodhisattvas Sangha member Chris Maley’s mother experienced major medical complications after a routine surgery last week. Chris has played a vital role in leading the Center’s Youth Program and now he needs our support. We’re collecting cards from the “Zen Kids,” and they may be dropped off at Arnold Park (place them in…

Annual Meeting

Our next Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Saturday, May 18, 9:30 a.m. in the Buddha Hall. You’re invited to attend in-person or on Zoom. Minutes for previous Annual Meetings and Trustee Meetings as well as Annual Financial Reports are available at https://www.rzc.org/about/governance/meeting-minutes/

Email 05-25-2023

Children’s Jukai Postponed After consulting with the Youth Program coordinator, Chris Maley, and a number of Sangha parents, we’ve decided to postpone Children’s Jukai until sometime this summer. It turns out that many of the families involved in the Youth Program are going away this Memorial Day weekend, so we’re hoping to reschedule it for…

Jell-O Gallery Field Trip

Thursday, June 29, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. Join our excursion from the Chapin Mill Work Retreat to the birthplace of Jell-O! Meeting at the front entrance of the Chapin Mill Retreat Center, we will carpool to the Jell-O Gallery, then have dinner at a local restaurant. Admission for the Jell-O Gallery is $6. For more…