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Email 05-19-2023

Saturday Dokusan, May 20, 9:00 am Saturday-morning dokusans are offered to accommodate members who can’t make it to the regular dokusans held during the week. To participate, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 9:00 am. An announcement will be made before dokusan…

Email 5-12-2023

Teisho by Donna-sensei and Extended Sitting, Sunday, May 14 Besides the usual block of zazen and teisho that runs from 8:30 to around 10:30 am, there will be three other blocks of formal sitting, with the first beginning at 6:15 am. Private Instruction will be offered during the third block. Click here for the extended…

Not Too Hard, Not Too Soft: Finding the Sweet Spot in Practice

May 2023 Sesshin, Day 2
Question:  Should I try or should I not try? Do I apply effort in practice or do I surrender? Ought there be discipline or should it come naturally? Answer: Yes! Sources: Awakening to Zen by Roshi Philip Kapleau; Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart by Christina Feldman and Jack Kornfield. Dharma Talk by Ven. Jissai Prince-Cherry.  Automated Transcript

Email 05-04-2023

Joining the 2-day Sesshin on Zoom (May 5-7) While sesshin is underway at Chapin Mill, you can still join the in-person sittings at Arnold Park (note: there will be no sitting Friday night, May 5). Refer to the weekly schedule here for the days and times. The regular schedule for morning and evening Zoom sittings…

Email 04-28-2023

Roshi’s Podcast, New Episode Click here for the latest from Roshi, entitled “The Dalai Lama and the Boy.” Teisho by John-sensei, Sunday, April 30 At 8:30 a.m., we’ll have one extended round of sitting with a bell at the half-way point for a posture change, followed by kinhin, a short chanting service, and then Sensei’s…

Email 04-21-2023

Arnold Park Workday, Saturday, April 22 Join us for a Sangha workday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Goals: Weeding, mulching, pruning, and edging, both the back yard and front. We promise donuts and coffee for the break, and pizza and salad for lunch. Sign up with Trueman  or simply drop in for all or…