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Volunteer Lunch

The Zen Center would not run as smoothly as it does if it were not for a ton of wonderful volunteers – whether in-person or online, at Arnold Park or Chapin Mill. Everyone who has volunteered over the past year is invited to our celebratory lunch! We hope you can join us at Arnold Park…

Arnold Park Work Day

Spring is here, so come if you can to a Sangha workday at Arnold Park on Saturday, May 18th. Our goal is weeding, mulching, pruning, and edging, both the back yard and front. The work day will follow the Annual Meeting, with lunch at 1:00. Pizza and salad will also be provided. If you can’t…

Email 04-12-2023

John-sensei Away Beginning April 13; Dokusan with Donna-sensei John-sensei will leave Thursday morning to visit our affiliate group in Madison, Wisconsin. He’ll be leading a 2-day sesshin at the Madison Zen Center, and then he’ll also be gone the following week on vacation. While he’s away, Donna-sensei will offer dokusan at Arnold Park on Thursday…

Email 04-06-2023

COVID-19 Update We had several cases of COVID at the 7-day sesshin that ended on Saturday and thought it would be helpful for the Sangha to know how it was handled and what we’re planning, going forward. We began sesshin with everyone having tested negative, and we stayed masked when in motion and while chanting…