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Email 01-27-2023

Teisho, Coming-to-the-Path Talk, and Sangha Meeting This Sunday’s teisho (January 29) will be given by John-sensei. Next week, Sunday, February 5, Jonathan Hager will give a Coming-to-the-Path talk. After Jonathan’s talk, we’ll have a Sangha meeting during brunch. Sangha Hike, Sunday, January 29 at noon Either meet at the front entrance of the Rochester Zen…

Sangha Winter Social

It’s a bit too chilly out for an outdoor brunch, but we’d still love to see you! The Sangha Programs Office is organizing a free Sangha Winter Social on Saturday, February 11, at 4:30-6:00pm at Arnold Park. Feel free to dress up a little if that suits you, but there’s no official dress code. Join…

Email: 01-19-2023

A Change in Mask Policy (COVID) The Center’s COVID Task Force recently met and made a change in mask-wearing policy at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill: masks are no longer required when in motion throughout the buildings (kinhin, dokusan waiting line, changing room, etc.). The only time we now require masks is during chanting and…

Updated COVID-19 Precautions

The Center’s COVID Task Force recently met and made a change in mask-wearing policy at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill: masks are no longer required when in motion throughout the buildings (kinhin, dokusan waiting line, changing room, etc.). The only time we now require masks is during chanting and recitations in the zendo (e.g., The…

Sangha Meeting

Friends, You are welcome to join our next Sangha meeting in-person (after the Sunday morning sitting at Arnold Park) or on Zoom using the usual meeting codes. These gatherings are a chance to let all who are interested know what’s going on and coming up at the Center — plus they’re an opportunity to ask…