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Ceremony of Gratitude

On November 19, the Center will hold our annual Ceremony of Gratitude. Zazen is at 8:30am followed by the ceremony at 9:30am in the Arnold Park zendo. In many ways, Thanksgiving is the most Buddhist of national holidays – a time when we pause to give and to contemplate all the things we are grateful…

Email: 10-29-2022

Joining the 7-day Sesshin (October 29-November 5) on Zoom The regular schedule for morning and evening Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin. However, even if you’re not signed up, you’re welcome to join any block of sitting (though without dokusan) in our usual Zoom room. If you do join us, please log on before a…

Email: 10-20-2022

Ordination Ceremony in the Buddha Hall, Sunday, October 23 This Sunday, October 23, at 3:00 p.m., Sensei Amala Wrightson will formally ordain Kathryn Argetsinger and Jeanette Prince-Cherry as Zen Buddhist priests. The ordination ceremony will take place in the Buddha Hall, with refreshments to follow. For those attending, wearing a robe is encouraged but not…

Sangha Sandbox with Rachel

Need a boost? Join us for a fun and lively social gathering! Escape from the news-and-doomscrolling cycle and meet Sangha members old and new. This new Sangha Program is hosted by Rachel Clar, a big-hearted extrovert who knows how to laugh. Gather in the Arnold Park dining room at 5 p.m., and be ready for…

Thanksgiving & Jukai 2022

Thanksgiving & Jukai 2022 Thursday November 17 7:00 p.m. Zazen and Famine Relief Ceremony: A fast day for Zen Center residents, and others are welcome to join in. Monetary offerings collected during the ceremony are donated to RMAN (Rochester Mutual Aid Network). Sunday November 20 8:30 a.m. Zazen at 8:30 followed by Ceremony of Gratitude…

Email: 10-12-2022

Zen Teacher Sanctioning Ceremony, October 16 The sanctioning ceremony for Donna Kowal will take place this Sunday at Chapin Mill. The ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. It’s relatively short, and light refreshments will follow. There are no sittings scheduled in the zendos at Arnold Park, Chapin Mill, or on Zoom on Sunday. Dharma Reflections…