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Email: 08-12-2022

Saturday Morning Dokusan with Roshi, August 13 Saturday dokusan is for members who are unable to attend the regular sittings with dokusan held during the week. If you wish to go, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before 9:00 a.m. An announcement will…

Email 08-04-2022

Cleveland Cancellation The Cleveland Weekend Intensive, previously scheduled for August 12-14, has been cancelled. There were not enough in-person participants to make Roshi’s trip there a reasonable choice in light of the other demands on his time this summer. Moreover, logistics for the Intensive would have been complicated by the high COVID-19 transmission rates in…

Email: 08-02-2022

Dokusan This Week With Roshi leaving tomorrow (Wednesday, August 3) to lead a 2-day sesshin at the Madison Zen Center, his last dokusan this week will be at tomorrow’s morning sitting. Sensei will offer dokusan at tonight’s sitting, as usual.

Uprooting Racism Community Read Kickoff

Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger: Uprooting Racism Community Read Kickoff You’re invited to join Uprooting Racism in our first-ever Community Read on Wednesday, September 14, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT! This free Zoom event will feature Democrat and Chronicle journalist and author Justin Murphy introducing his recent book, Your Children Are Very Greatly…

Saturday Dokusan (Roshi)

Dokusan is a one-to-one teaching encounter in private given at this center by a fully authorized Zen teacher — either Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede or Sensei John Pulleyn.  It is open to those who have become members of the Center. Dokusan is geared to matters of practice in the narrow sense of the word (e.g., zazen),…