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Email: 06-17-2022

Saturday Dokusan with Sensei, June 18 Saturday dokusan is offered for the benefit of members who have a hard time making it to dokusan during the week. Since Roshi is currently away, Sensei will give dokusan at 10:00 a.m. To attend, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the…

Summer Youth Camp

The Zen Center is excited to announce that this summer we will be hosting a weekend summer camp to engage youth in interactive learning experiences that inform – and create a safe space for thinking about – race, racism, and anti-racism within the context of Buddhist teaching. The camp will be held at Chapin Mill…

Email: 06-14-2022

Roshi Called Away Two of Roshi’s very elderly in-laws in the Boston area – his wife Angela’s last surviving aunt and uncle – died this past weekend (the brother, 96, died on Saturday, and his sister, 94, died the next day). Roshi will be meeting Angela there to attend the funerals and wakes (which span…