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Email: December 16

Center on Break Our week-long holiday break begins this Sunday, December 19, after the morning sitting, teisho by Sensei, and Sangha meeting. We’ll start back up on Monday evening, December 27, with the 7:00 pm sitting and dokusan. As always, the zendos at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill are available to members, and we’re happy…

New Year’s Eve Ceremonies

If you’d like to start the new year fueled by zazen rather than by intoxicants or TV, come join with others in the Sangha for our annual celebration. We’ll welcome in the New Year on Friday evening with sitting and ceremonies, starting at 8 pm and winding up a little past midnight. The ceremony (and…

Uprooting Racism Book Discussion

Please join Uprooting Racism for our forthcoming discussion of Zenju Earthlyn Manuel’s deeply personal, insightful book, The Way of Tenderness: Awakening through Race, Sexuality, and Gender. The free discussion will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, from 7:00-8:30pm Eastern. We ask that for this event, participants read the entire book ahead of time…

Email: December 3

This Weekend: Finding Your Seat (Saturday Online) and Teisho (Sunday) If you are new to Zen practice (or not!), it can be a challenge to maintain daily sitting. But not to worry: Finding Your Seat is here to help. There will be two Saturday sessions this month: December 4 (tomorrow) and December 18, both from…