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Email: May 22, 2021

New Teacher, New Teaching Model A Letter from Roshi: The time has come, I believe, for our Sangha to have the services of a second fully-sanctioned teacher in Rochester, and I have asked John Pulleyn to fill that role. He has also agreed to partner with me as Co-Spiritual Director of the Center (we’re retiring the title…

“The Third Turning of the Wheel: A Conversation with Joanna Macy”

May 2021 Sesshin, Day 2
Reading and commentary on excerpts from an interview with Joanna Macy that explores the Buddha’s teaching of dependent co-arising, nothing exists apart from anything else. (Source: Dharma Rain, edited by Stephanie Kaza and Kenneth Kraft, Shambhala Publications, 2000) Dharma Talk by Donna Kowal.  Automated Transcript