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Sangha Get-together

Weather permitting, we’re all  invited to get together outdoors in the back yard of 7 Arnold Park at 1 pm on Saturday. Here’s the original emailed invitation with details: In Lieu of Our Annual Picnic… Like so many events on the Center’s 2020 calendar, our late-summer annual picnic has been cancelled this year. But what’s…

Thrivers’ Guilt

In the midst of massive suffering from the pandemic, many people, due to their circumstances, are experiencing unexpected personal contentment (and sometimes guilt as a result). How do we come to terms with this paradox–and move through in service to our bodhisattva vows? Teisho by Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede.

Considering White Privilege

Whatever adversities we white people have suffered in our lives, structural racism isn’t one, and in that sense, at least, we’ve been privileged. We might deny having that advantage, or distance from it, but we can use our opportunities to join with others to begin dismantling systemic racism. Teisho by Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede.

CoronaCast: August 5

In Amala-sensei’s online sesshin last week, most participants had to negotiate some accommodation to the schedule of others they live with, and now have been negotiating the transition back to full-on household life. Roshi addresses both of these challenges in this week’s coronacast. Talk by Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede.