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Email: March 27, 2020

Podcast from Roshi Here’s a short talk from Roshi, delivered from his dining room table. You can use this link . New Zealand COVID-19 A bulletin, today, from Amala-sensei to Roshi: Here [New Zealand] the number of cases is doubling every two days. Thank goodness the government is taking strong measures – we are in…

Email: March 25, 2020

Zen Center COVID-19 Update All is still well with the Zen Center staff at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill, with no signs of illness (or stir-craziness) worth mentioning. At Arnold Park we are down to six residents, now that two joined the crew at Chapin Mill (where they are now eight) last weekend. We are…

Email: March 21, 2020

COVID-19 Report In response to the tighter restrictions announced by New York Governor Cuomo, the Zen Center staff is dividing itself a bit as follows: Of the three residents broadly categorized as “vulnerable,” Scott Jennings, Jack O’Shaughnessy, and Joe Carino, the latter two will relocate for now to Chapin Mill, where they will initially self-isolate….

Email: March 19, 2020

Remote “Dokusan” From Roshi: Since the Center is closed these days except to staff, I will start offering dokusan by phone to others. This will start with just local formal students of mine – that is, local members who have gone through a New Student Ceremony. Depending on the demand, I may extend it to…

Email: March 17, 2020

Ongoing C-virus Issues Please stand by one more day for a schedule for remote dokusan and private instruction. We had a detailed message half-written today before getting an influx of breaking news and morphing guidelines regarding staff living restrictions, which plunged Roshi and his advisers into more meetings. Regarding live streaming of sittings, the regular…

Email: March 14, 2020

Coronavirus Update The Center’s working group on COVID-19, which includes two physicians, met again this morning to discuss ongoing efforts to limit Sangha exposure and to outline courses of action to take when (not “if”) the number of local cases rises. Some of the following restrictions are quite severe, but this is the time, everyone agreed,…

Email: March 12, 2020

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update Like most of you, we’ve been following the progression of the coronavirus around the world and here in this country. It seems clear to us that, barring a dramatic containment response from government, we are likely to see conditions similar to those today in Northern Italy, where people who could otherwise…