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Secular Creeds as Substitutes for Religion

In his article “America’s New Religions,” Andrew Sullivan argues that all of us–conservatives, liberals, and even atheists–have our “religions”: belief systems, ideologies, or tribal affiliations that we “worship” beyond reason because they give meaning to our lives. The deities of secular faith may be scientism, progress, self-improvement, social justice ideology, or reason itself. Other gods…

Nansen Kills the Cat

A vintage koan commentary by the Center’s founder, the late Roshi Philip Kapleau. Mumonkan number 14: Nansen kills the cat The Case Once the monks of the Western and Eastern Halls were arguing about a cat. Nansen, holding up the cat, said, “You monks! If you can say a word of Zen, I will spare…

Not-Minestrone Soup

Ingredients 3 TBS olive oil 1 cup chopped onion 4 – 5 cloves crushed garlic 1 tsp salt 1 cup minced celery 1 cup cubed carrot 1 tsp dried oregano ¼ tsp. black pepper 1 tsp dried basil 1 cup chopped green peppers 1 cup cubed zucchini 3 ½ cup water or stock 2 cups…

Hot Rice Cereal

Into a rice cooker put: 1 cup brown rice ¼ cup slivered or chopped almonds 2 cups water ¼ tsp salt Plug in rice cooker and press the switch to begin cooking. Brown rice will take about 45 minutes. The cooker will automatically switch to “Warm” when the rice is finished. When the rice is…