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Email 01-06-2024

Roshi’s Latest Podcast Episode Click here to listen to Roshi’s latest talk entitled “Gaza: Revenge and the Law of Karma.” No Formal Sitting Tomorrow at Arnold Park Although there will be no formal sitting on Sunday morning, the rest of the in-person sitting schedule at Arnold Park will be as usual this coming week, and…

Email 12-29-2023

Schedule for New Year’s Winter break is over, and the Center is gearing up for New Year’s Eve on Sunday. First, a reminder that there are no in-person sittings at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill on Sunday morning. The evening begins at 8 pm and runs through midnight. We’ll be doing plenty of zazen as…

Email 12-19-2023

Center on Break The Center’s winter break begins tomorrow, December 20, and will run through Wednesday, December 28. The zendos at Arnold Park and Chapin Mill are open to members during the break (although the heat at Chapin Mill will be turned down very low to conserve energy). Zoom sittings will continue uninterrupted, except for…

Email 12-15-2023

2024 Winter Calendar The calendar for January, February and March can be downloaded here. You can also pick a copy up in the Link at Arnold Park. Teisho by Dhara-sensei, Sunday, December 17 Starting 8:30 am in the Arnold Park zendo, we’ll sit one extended round with a bell at the half-way point for posture…

Email 12-15-2023

An Update on Barry Keesan and Chanting Service Today Barry is improving and graduated from the ICU to a regular stroke ward on Tuesday night. Once he’s able to swallow well enough to safely eat and drink, he should be able to leave the hospital for long-term rehab.  This afternoon, at 3:15 in the Arnold Park…

Repentance Ceremony

Repentance Gatha All harmful actions committed by me since time immemorial Stemming from greed, anger, and delusion, Arising from body, speech, and mind, I now repent having committed. More details to come…