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Email 5-30-24

Chanting Service for Ven. Wayman Kubicka, Thursday, May 30, 3:00 pm This afternoon, we’ll dedicate another chanting service to Wayman, who is continuing to receive home hospice care. All are welcome and encouraged to participate by joining us in the Arnold Park zendo or the online zendo. Below is a link to the Rochester Zen Center…

Email 05-22-2024

Trustee Election Results All the ballots for the recent trustee election were counted and the result was announced at the Annual Meeting: Sangha member Chris Maley was elected to serve a 3-year term. Thank you, Erika, for your willingness to run and for all you do to support the Center. And thank you, Chris, for…

Email 05-21-2024

Chanting Service for Ven. Wayman Kubicka, Wednesday, May 22, 3:00 pm A couple of months ago, Wayman, our longtime resident priest and former Head of Zendo at Chapin Mill, was diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition. Although he has been relatively stable since that diagnosis, over the past week his condition has notably worsened and…

Email 05-17-2024

Annual Meeting, Saturday, May 18, 9:30 am Join us for the Annual Meeting of Members on May 18 at 9:30 am. You’re invited to attend in-person in the Buddha Hall or on Zoom in the online zendo:. Minutes for previous Annual Meetings and Trustee Meetings as well as Annual Financial Reports are available at https://www.rzc.org/about/governance/meeting-minutes/….

Email 05-09-2024

Chapin Mill Weekend Work Retreat: May 10-12 This year the Chapin Mill Work Retreat will be split into two weekends. The first weekend begins this Friday, May 10, with a sitting at 7 pm, and ends after lunch on Sunday, May 12. The schedule, which includes daily dokusan, is available here. The focus will be…

Email 04-25-2024

John-sensei Giving Dokusan Tonight, Thursday, April 25 Sensei John Pulleyn will be offering dokusan this evening. Dhara-sensei, who usually gives dokusan on Thursday evenings, will be at Madison Zen Center assisting Bodhin-roshi with a Zen teacher sanctioning ceremony. And speaking of the ceremony… Zen Teacher Sanctioning Ceremony, Saturday, April 27, 1:15 pm This ceremony for…

Email 04-12-2024

Joining the 7-day Sesshin on Zoom (April 13 – 20) Although the regular schedule of Zoom sittings is suspended during sesshin, you’re welcome to join any block of sesshin, even if you’re not signed up for it (though without dokusan), in our usual Zoom room. The sesshin schedule is posted here. Sittings at Arnold Park…

Healing Chanting Service for Ven. Wayman Kubicka, Thursday, April 11, 3:00 pm 

Tomorrow, we’ll hold another chanting service for Wayman at 3:00 pm in the Arnold Park zendo and on Zoom. His condition continues to be stable, and he appreciates the outpouring of support from the Sangha. All are welcome to participate in tomorrow’s chanting service. This will be the last one for a while, since there’s…

Email 04-04-2024

Zen Bow, Winter 2024 The latest issue of Zen Bow is available here. (Hard copies have already been printed and mailed to those who had requested them.) You can also check out past issues on our website at https://www.rzc.org/library/zen-bow/zen-bow-archives/. Zen 101: Saturday, April 6, 11:00 am At our introductory Zen meditation workshops, we cover the…

Email 04-03-2024

Healing Chanting Service for Ven. Wayman Kubicka, Thursday, April 4, 3:00 pm Tomorrow, we will hold another chanting service for Wayman at 3:00 pm in the Arnold Park zendo and on Zoom. All are welcome to participate. After several days in the hospital after being diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition, Wayman returned home to…