Join together with RZC Sangha members from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, October 19, to silently read Uprooting Racism’s Community-Read book, for companionship and “moral support”!

The book is Justin Murphy’s Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger: School Segregation in Rochester, New York, available on the table in the Arnold Park third-floor library for member checkout. You can also purchase the book at local indie bookstores Hipocampo Children’s Books or Akimbo Books, through, or anywhere else you get your books. This book is not yet available in audiobook format.

We’ll read together in the Arnold Park library in person, and folks will also be welcome to join via Zoom with RSVP. To RSVP and receive the Zoom meeting information, please email [email protected].